Simpsons-O-Rama "Treehouse of Horror XI" Trivia

Trivia for the newest episode from 11/1/2000

G-g-ghost D-dad
1. What what the opening credits a spoof off of?
The Exorcist
The Addams Family
The Blair Witch Project

2. Which was not one of the events that attempted to take Homer's life?
Loose wire electricuting Homer
Tree falling onto driveway
Rattlesnake bites Homer's arm

3. What kills Homer?
eating broccoli
pickaxe in his head
anvil falls on him

4. What is Homer's first attempted good deed?
donating presents to the orphanage
rescuing a cat from a tree
helping an old lady (Agnes) cross the street

5. What good deed does Homer do that should have gotten him into heaven?
save a baby from falling into the street
tripping an escaping burglar
save Bart from a bully

Scary Tales Can Come True
6. What did Homer lose his job as?
town drunkard

7. Where does Homer get rid of his kids at?
The Enchanted Forest
Deep Dark Woods
Evil Pines

8. What is the witch's (of the candy house) boyfriend named?
George Cauldron
Ed Ladle
Tom Ginger

9. What does the witch turn Homer's bottom half into?
a fish (he's a mermaid!)
a chicken

Night of the Dolphin
10. What is the name of the dolphin that Lisa sets free?

11. Who is the first person that the dolphins kill?
Krusty the Klown
Captain McAllister

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