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The Children of Nemesis

All of the characters used in this story are property of Naoko Takeuchi Toei Animation Kadansha Ltd. & DiC. Except Ruby and Crystal. They are mine & my friends. And I appologize for killing the scouts but I wanted the villains to win for once.

A Black Moon symbol flashed in their eyes after the Sailor Scouts defeated their latest enemy. "AAhh! What was that about?!" yelped Sailor Moon. "I'm not sure what it meant but I don know a Black Moon Family crest when I see one." said Sailor Jupiter. "She is right." agreed Sailor Mercury as she whipped out her mini-computer to check of any reminence of the symbol. "It's totally gone, there is no sign of anything on my computer." she explained and put it away.


"OH MY GAWD! What was that?!" Sailor Mars screeched. The scouts looked around nervously.


Red and Black smoke filled the area around them, and the sound of evil laughter rung out in their ears."This can't be good." said Sailor Venus. The laughter grew louder and louder with each passing second and the sailors could soon tell it was coming from two women. After the smoke cleared there were two women standing there. "We are the children of Nemesis. We were sent here to take the energy and the lives of who they call the sailor scouts." the two of them said in unison. The dark haired woman spoke first "I am one of the children to Rubeus of the Black Moon, my name is Ruby." The woman with shimmering silver tresses spoke next "I am the sister to Ruby and the other daughter of Rubeus, I'm Crystal." The scouts shivered as they remebered all the trouble the Black Moon family had caused them in the past. Mars cleared her throat and bravely stepped toward the two sisters. "Are we supposed to be impressed with you two?" she asked sarcastically. The sisters laughed at Sailor Mars, "Why yes you are." they said. Ruby then held up her staff with the family crest on each end of it which she dubbed the Black Moon Staff. She rose it high above her head and yelled, "Dark Moon Spiral!" A black cloud surrounded Sailor Mars. As the scout could be heard coughing and gasping inside. The cloud then turned blood red and the crest of the Black Moon shined through it and the cloud was gone. Mars was on her hands and knees gasping for air. Ruby ran up to her with the staff in hand. She stopped in front of the fallen sailor. "Poor helpless girl." she muttered and held the staff over Mars's head. The staff, Ruby, and Mars were surrounded in an aura of red. After a few seconds passed the other scouts snapped out of their astonishment. "Venus Crescent Beam! SMASH!" the beam shot out and knocked Ruby back, hitting the ground hard. "SISTER! Are you ok?" asked Crystal. "I'm fine. We've showed these weaklings who's in charge and I got some energy to." The scouts circled around Sailor Mars. After they knew she was ok they looked up just in time to see Ruby and Crystal before they left. "It WILL be much worse next time, Sailors!" said Crystal. "We'll be back soon to finish you all off!" they exclaimed together as the clound the entered through re-appeared and engulfed the two and then cleared taking them with it. "well that sure was interesting." said Jupiter. "I'm scared!" Sailor Moon whined again. Mercury shook her head at Moon in embarassment. "All I know is we're going to have to be strong to defeat those two." said Venus. "That's for sure." coughed out a weak and worn out Sailor Mars.

P.S. I'm really sorry. I forgot to add the cats and Tuxedo Mask. Please forgive me. There are more chapters to come!

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