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Children of Nemesis, Chapter 2: The Death of Sailor V

Ruby and Crystal were up in their space craft wondering who the sailor scouts were. "Staff of the Black Moon, show us the identities of the scouts before they transform!" Ruby's staff glew of bright light and started spinning faster and faster until it was a black blur. "Show me NOW!" she yelled. Within the blur a picture of each scout transformed and un-transformed appeared. "Ok, so we know what they all look like but what are their names?" asked Crystal. "Black Moon Staff! What are the names of these girls?!" Ruby demanded. A voice came from the blur. "The names of these scouts are, Serena - Sailor Moon, Ami - Sailor Mercury, Rei - Sailor Mars, Lita - Sailor Jupiter, and Mina - Sailor Venus." The voice faded away. "We need no more information. Black Moon Staff, STOP!" said Ruby. The staff slowed and eventually came to a stop and floated into the hand of Ruby. "Well, sis, what do we do now?" asked Crystal. "We find one of these scouts and take her with us back here. We drain her energy then take her life!" replied Ruby. The sisters started laughing evily. "Let's wait till night, when they'e sleeping." said Crystal. Ruby agreed with her sister. That night they appeared quietly inside Mina's room. "Black Fog!" called out Ruby. The fog covered the room to where if Mina awoke she would be blind as to what was happening around her. The sisters were whispering quietly to each other about how they were going to attack her. Mina heard them and slowly awoke. "Hello?" She managed to choke out through her tiredness and the smokey fog. "Dark Moon Spi....!" Ruby was cut off. "Hey it's my turn Ruby!" Crytal yelled. "FINE GO!" she screamed back. Crystal took a couple steps forward. She reached down and pulled her daggers from her boots. She held them high abover her head the ninja stars in her hair flew out and made a chain. As Crystal swung it around she called out "STAR STORM SCREAM!" Mina looked up and her ceiling split, revealing thousands of twinkling stars. Mina screeched and covered her ears as a painful scream surrounded her. When Crystal's attack ended and Ruby's fog cleared Mina was laying curled up on the floor covered in scars and she couldn't hear a thing. "Where am I? What's going on? Who are you?" she asked in a painful whisper. "You're history girl!" Crystal told her. Ruby and Crystal grabed Mina's arms and smoke filled the room and they were gone from the house. Once they were all onboard their ship Ruby and Crystal both held the staff over Mina's head. the red aura incircled the three. After they had drained the girl of all her energy they took her lifeless body and opened a space hatch. They then quickly threw Mina's body out of it. Ruby and Crystal giggled evily. "One down four to go!"

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