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Collen Rising, Part 1

“Get out of here!” A glass plate broke against a wall and a skinny girl scampered out of the door. She trailed into the woods, stopping in a clearing,sitting on an old swing hung from a high tree branch. She gently rocked back and forth thinking about her past life, everything she’s been told. Little girl, she’ll never make a good queen.” “You’ll always be weak and alone! Not even a speck of dust’ll be your friend!” She hid her face in her hands, crying silently. A sudden shadow cast over her then the entire woods. She ran back as quick as her legs would carry her, soon coming back to the kingdom. A pale young man, about 20 or 21, with firey red hair, hung in mid-air, his back to her. She knelt behind a tree, hiding herself. “What do you want that worthless princess for? She’s good for nuthin’ but trash.” “I don’t want your ridicules. I want your princess,” “There! There, take her!” The baker pointed to where she was hiding. She jumped up and tried to race away, but was stopped in her tracks as an energy chain wrapped around her ankles. It drained just enough energy for her to fall unconscious. ~*~ “Wake up, princess,” Princess? Nobody in her cruel homeland called her “princess”. She groaned quietly, then braced herself as she saw a hand come near her jaw. She opened her eyes again, surprised, as whoever carrassed her cheek. She looked at his features: deathly pale skin like her own, white chin-length hair, dressed all in white. He pulled her up, holding one of her hands, and tilting her head back. “You look like Neo-Queen Serenity, what’s your name?” “P-princess Caldronia,” “Beautiful name. They treat you like dirt back there, don’t they? Would you like to pay them back, possibly destroy them?” “. . .W-what? How? I have no power,” “I guess you’ll love this then,” He waved a hand over her breasts and a black and blue brooch appeared on her dress. “You know what to do, right?” “. . .Nemesis. . .” she whispered. Anger and hatred replaced her hurt heart. “Black Star Power, make up!” she yelled at the top of her lungs. Black ribbons came and twisted around her and what replaced the young girl was a Scout, in all black. “You’re my Sailor Scout, Collen. And my princess. My name is Prince Diamond re’Adamant. Who are you?” “Princess Caldronia re’Adamant. I’m your daughter and ready to kill those who hurt me and the Earth!” “Very good. I want to see your power at its maximum capability,” “Oh, you will, prince. . .you will. . .”

Fan Fiction