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Collen Rising, Part 2

"HAVE MERCY, PRINCESS! PLEASE SPARE YOUR LOVING FATHER!" "LOVING FATHER MY @$$! MARS FLAME SNIPER!" Collen formed a flaming bow and arrow in her hand and shot the king of her hateful homeland right between the eyes. Her eyes burnt with anger and she looked absolutely beautiful against the flames behind her. The entire kingdom was engulfed in fire from her revenge. Prince Diamond watched in the air, a safe distance away. "A strong asset indeed . . . " He vanished with Collen leaving the flaming city. ~*~ "He's dead . . . isn't he?" Collen said, clutching onto Asha. Asha shushed her, tracing her pale lips with his slender fingers. "He'll be gone from Nemesis, but not from us, love. We'll look back with our own new clan and kill the scouts for what they've done. We'll start with the little lady, Rini. And work our way up . . . I'll fight for Sapphire." "And I'll fight for daddy . . ." Collen huddles into Asha's lap, grasping the shoulder of his jacket tight. Asha watched the wedding between Serena and Darien with hateful and vengeful eyes. "You'll pay for letting my brothers die . . . and we'll kick off with drop-kicking your pink daughter . . ." ~*~ "King, queen! We're under attack!" "Get our daughter out of here!" Endymion shouted. Serenity and the scouts were already fighting off the strange warriors. "You'll pay for killing Prince Diamond and Prince Sapphire!" one shouted. A powerful blast of fire wiped out half of the Crystal Palace and the warriors. Only Serenity remained with the scouts. "JUPITER THUNDER DRAGON!" Sailor Jupiter threw it all at one but missed hitting another: Asha. His body jerked in pain and he fell headfirst from the sky. "VENUS-" Jupiter jumped back as a silhouette that looked like Venus appeared in the smoke. "-LOVE AND BEAUTY SHOCK!" Collen shot them all back into a wall. "VENUS LOVE CHAIN!" She wrapped it around Asha before he hit the ground and sent a powerful blast of fire into him. The smoke cleared again and he was back up. Mars got back up and held up her hands. "MARS FIRE BIRD STRIKE!" She fired it at Asha and he grinned evilly absorbing it. He shot it back at them, burning their entire kingdom. Asha and Collen reunited and laughed as Mercury got up, scanning them with her goggles. She scanned Asha first, looking at his statistics. "The male's weak again electricity and strong against fire! The female-" She scanned Collen. "-She's strong against everything except ice!" She got into a fighting pose. "MERCURY AQUA RHAPSODY!" It went at them both; it froze Collen for a mere second then she broke free. Asha simply shook it off. He eyes Serenity then Mars went flying to his hand. Her eyes slammed into his wrist and she screamed as he took hold of her head squeezing and draining her energy. Her skull started to crack and she screamed as loud as she could, blood running down her jaws and neck. Her forehead caved in like an egg would and she screamed (as Pluto could hear guarding the Time Gate). He squeezed harder crushing her head, draining the last of her firepower. He let her go watching her fall and break her neck on the ground. Her face was caved in and her eyes were nothing but mush. Rini screamed as she came out and saw Mars on the ground dead. She looked up at Asha and Collen, tears streaming down her cheeks. "YOU KILLED REI! YOU KILLED REI!" In a blur Asha had Rini's neck in his hand and he was squeezing hard. Rini tried to scream as her neck started popping. Serenity ran to pound Asha in the ribs, except that Collen knocked her away with her flame sniper. Serenity screamed as they vanished with Rini. ~ To be continued ~

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