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Prince Diamond


Name: Prince Diamond
Title: Drunken Guy *_*
Quote: I Always Get Everything That I Want.... Everything.
Hair Color: White with a touch of Blue
Eye Color: Purple
Height: 5'8
Weight: 155
Age: 27

Hmmmmm.... Hello there, my minions of darkness. I do so hope you had an absolutely nasty day! Ha-ha-ha. Why don't you take a seat and have a little drink with me hmm? I have a small story about me for all of you. I thought I was in charge of the family but I later found out from Sapphire that Wiseman was using all of us. I was in love with Neo-Queen Serenity and so now since she is incased in a protective shell of quartz I could not get to her so I settled with her past self, Sailor Moon. I abducted her twice as I remember and tried to get her to come over to our side she kept refusing me. The first time Tuxdedo Mask saved her and the next time Wiseman tried to kill her but I stepped in to save her and I was killed. I don't like going into my personal life in detail so I will wait until I trust all of you to say more. Now hurry along to another room... but before you go, fix me another drink *_*

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