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The Promise

Japanese to English

Asha laid in his bed. He was back on Nemesis, in the Black Crystal Palace. He was tired, depressed and somewhat annoyed. He knew depression was bad on his golden heart, but if it hadn’t killed him yet, it had a long way to go. “Asha. . .” Diamond stood in the open doorway. Asha didn’t move. “Asha. . .” Diamond said his name more firmly this time. Still nothing from Asha. Diamond slowly walked in and looked down on Asha, as if trying to see his expression. “Asha. . . I know you’re not asleep, brother.” Still Nothing. “Asha, look at me-” Diamond reached over Asha’s shoulder, and took his chin, gently turning his head, forcing Asha to look at him. ”-what’s wrong? You haven’t been yourself lately. . . what’s bothering you?” Diamond looked directly into his shadowy-gray eyes. “. . . Nothing, oniisan. . . Nothing at all. . .” “You paused, Asha. Something’s not right. . . What is it?” Diamond could tell when Asha would lie. He had never been a master at lying. Not even an amateur. “I’m just tired, oniisan. . .” Asha had lied again and Diamond knew it. “Stop it, Asha” “Stop what?” “Stop lying to me. Your eyes are giving you dead away. Now-” Diamond took a more firm grip on Asha’s chin.-”what’s wrong? And don’t lie to me.” Diamond looked deeper into Asha’s shadow eyes. Diamond was searching. . . searching for what was disturbing his and Sapphire’s youngest brother. He was trying to be gentle to Asha, or he would seal his lips and himself off from the rest of the world. Sapphire. . . Asha loved both of his brothers, the crown prince, Diamond re’Adamant and Sapphire re’Adamant, but Asha looked up to Sapphire, idolized him. . . worshipped him. . . If Asha would ever crack up about something, he’d go and tell Sapphire. It was rare for him to do this with Diamond. “It’s this war, oniisan. . . why won’t anyone come to the sense that war helps nothing. . . killing doesn’t help. It only leads to worse. . . Oniisan, I’ll die if this war continues; and others will as well. . .” Asha closed his eyes and felt Diamond loosening his tight, but gentle grip on his chin. He was pulled into a reassuring hug by Diamond. “Just try not to loose hope, Asha. . .” Diamond held Asha, lovingly. Asha’s eyes slowly closed. . . and he fell asleep in his brothers warm arms. Diamond looked down onto his beloved brother, and gave a small smile unto him. He listened to him breathe. . . he bent his head down and kissed Asha’s forehead, directly where the flipped black crescent was. He knew Asha was hurt easily, easier than Sapphire once was. Diamond looked at Asha’s closed eyes, the eyes that were once aquamarine, and now shadowy-gray. He felt Asha’s icey skin against his own, and, with a slow geasture not to wake Asha, Diamond cloaked his sleeping brother in his violet and lavander cape. Soon, Diamond found himself stroking Asha’s now-warmed pale skin and raven black hair. “I love you, Asha. . . there is nothing that will tear us apart. . . I Promise. . ."

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