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Greetings, I am Wiseman. I'm pleased you came here... now for my story. My plan was to befriend the Dark Moon Family then use them to bring the Doom Phantom to this world. After Rubeus and the sisters failed I started finishing off the members I didn't need. First was Emerald. I used her jealousy and covetness to do away with her. I gave her a tiara and said that it would make her Diamond's wife, the queen. In actuallity I turned her into an oversized Dragon that the Scouts destroyed. Next was Sapphire. I killed him because he knew to much about my plans to live. I couldn't let him go tell everyone could I? Next I destroyed Diamond because his brother and that pesky scout told him about me and he tried to kill me, heh heh... I don't think so. Then I tried to get my master, the Doom Phantom to enter this world but was stopped by the two Imperium Crystals. Then all the scouts joined up and I was destroyed. The End
