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News Clippings


   News Clippings

University of Chicago Picnic 2001         uofcpicnic.gif (186342 bytes)
Project Linus and Oprah:  Sarah was on Oprah, thanking Karen Loucks the founder of Project Linus.  Never did receive a picture from Oprah's staff.

Fantasy Flight:                                                                     

santanews2.JPG (193031 bytes) santaflight1.JPG (84974 bytes)

Click on thumbnail images to see larger version

Special thanks to: 
  • Uncle Steve and his other artistic friend that came up with the "Something for Little Sarah" logo.
  • The Martin family for the FrontPage 2000 gift, so dad could improve the appearance of our site.
  • A special thanks to the family, friends and complete strangers that have donated blood and platelets, without them there would be no hope.