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Live from the playground compilation
- poppies / pigeon farm - 10/4/97
- gone crazy - 10/4/97
- St. Joe / shapeshifter - 11/20/97
- sherry fraser - 10/4/97
- love bug - 11/20/97
- one more suicide - 11/20/97
- wave motion gun - 11/20/97
- crazy katie nicotine and her red jet air balloon - 11/20/97
- shadow of Seattle - 10/16/96
- sex and candy - 10/16/96
- teenage hypochondriac - 10/16/96
- ancient wall of flowers - 11/20/97
- dog and his master - 11/20/97
- ballad of Aslan - 10/4/97
- secret squirrel - 10/4/97
- needle and the damage done - 10/16/96
- blood in alphabet soup - 10/16/96
- rebel sodville - 5/31/98
- cloak of elvenkind - 4/4/97 KCRW
- memphis - 10/26/98 JJJ
- Keegans xmas / opium - 11/13/97
- all the lights went out - 2/20/98
- black eyed sue - 2/20/98
- bye bye/ sunday mail - 1/28/00