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Greetings and welcome to my home page. My name is Ray or Bear as my friends call me. I thought I would take the time to tell a little about myself.
First off , I was born in 1964 and currently reside near the gateway to the west; St. Louis, Mo. . I am a Christian and love the Lord with all of my being. I am single but look forward to the day I meet that special woman to share the rest of my life with, God willing.
   I drove a eighteen wheeler until 1992 when I had an accident injuring my back and legs causing me to become disabled.  I am now trying to get myself back on track and with God's help will one day accomplish my goals. I enjoy movies, books of epic fantasy , Terry Brooks is my favorite author. I enjoy medieval re-enactments and faires involving the Society for Creative Anachronisms.{check it out at link below} I like role playing computer games and
I enjoy writing short stories and poetry.(check out the BEAR TRAP below)I give thanks to my special friend Vikki for her help in constructing this site and our medieval role playing world ; The Realm of Shadowmere.{check it out too} Thanks for stopping by

God Bless and have a Great Day!

HERE are some of my own personal writings;

The Society for Creative Anachronism



§plinter's §pace

~Vikki's Place~


clipart castle

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Realm of Shadowmere is owned by
Ray Massie.

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