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Milady Fair

Like mighty oceans across the land
Like countless grains of desert sand
Like endless rain falls from the sky
Like a majestic eagles screeching cry
Like a valiant warriors noble pride
You came and filled me up inside
Out of the darkness you came to me
With words of true sincerity
My deepest secrets I've shared with you
And here you remained through and through
Sleepless nights you bring to me
As my mind dances with thoughts of thee
No matter what the time or name of place
I feel your kiss and warm embrace
Whatever I've done to be so blessed
I thank the Lord for your sweet caress
A sweet caress of heart and soul
Searing away my deepest cold
Hand in hand, no words to say
Sharing the sunset as it fades away

* * Poetry is property of Ray Massie and may not be copied without his express permission