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I am Jarr~Randelle, last DragonKnight of Shadowmere and this is my tale.

In a time barely rememberd by but a few surviving elders of our clan, we were a peaceful people, content with living simple lives building the city of Shadowmere in the valleys of the Khutok mountains. Our ancestors soon realized that they were not alone in these mountains, that they shared them with a clan of blue dragons that were being hunted and exterminated for their mystical hearts .The hearts were being used by Aggradon, a wizard of immense cunning and power. Aggradon believed that these hearts would give him unimaginable power and give him the life span of the dragon from which it was taken. Aggradon had a vast army at his disposal that destroyed everything that oppossed it.

One day a wounded dragon fell to the earth outside the walls of Shadowmere, despite the efforts of our healers the dragon died . But before it died the dragon told the healers that the remaining dragons were fleeing the Khutoks. She had five hatchlings and they would not survive unless the people were to care for them. The elders made a death vow and sent a party of the most fit men to retrieve the hatchlings. As the dragons grew they were trained to be ridden by the dragonkeepers. My grandfather, Braiden Randelle, was a dragonkeeper. Braiden had named his mount Dalkkor, and cared for Dalkkor for many years. When my father, Coren Randelle was old enough he was taught to ride and Dalkkor became his when Braiden died.

It was during this time that Aggradon discoverd the existance of Dalkkor and his Breathern. Aggradon sent his army of destruction to finish the quest it started years earlier. This time would be different, for the people of Shadowmere had prepared for this day. They had trained and fitted their own army . My father Coren and the other dragonkeepers trained especially hard and took the name of DragonKnights. By this time I was already in my eighteenth year and my father had trained me as a dragonknight as were all the first born of the dragonknights.

The war between Shadowmere and the invadeing army of Aggradon waged on for more than eight years . In my twenty- second year my father was killed and I became a dragonknight with Dalkkor as my mount. My wife Mara, was also a dragonknight , she and her mount Jharese were destroyed by Aggradon's magic.

And that is all I will speak of that.

Shadowmere and the remaining dragonknights were destroyed. The remaining people chose to leave under cover of darkness and flee the Khutoks for a new homeland. I chose to go on my own and search for a way to defeat Aggradon and restore Shadowmere to its glory. I would leave Dalkkor that he may search out his brethern, but before we departed Dalkkor gave me a piece of himself..." Take this knight, it is a vision crystal which will enable you to see other places and summon me if needed," the mighty dragon said with a low gutteral rumble to his voice. "Thank you my friend, I shall return and we will be victorious."

As I turned to leave, I placed the dragonseye crystal around my neck , I felt the rush of wind on my back and heard the flap of mighty wings as Dalkkor took flight . I did not look back. It has been many Phases since that day, In my journey through the forrest one day, I spied what appeared to be a little blue man. As I watched with curiosity he was gone in the blink of an eye. As i moved closer to where he had been standing , I noticed a glowing portal. I had heard tell of such portals but had never seen one . "Perhaps I shall find the help I need in there ." Then I stepped through............ The adventure begins.

This story belongs to Raymond P Massie III and can not be copied without his permission.

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