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In a land often untold
Where women are pure
And men are bold
A many endless battle I have fought
Taking all challenges that hath been wrought
Many a time my sword rose and fell
As I fought my way to the gates of hell
The day became deadly evil and dark as night
As I prepared myself for the inevitable fight
There before me runs the river Styx
Where life and death doth not mix
I need to cross but cannot pay the price
And he who crosses, doth not cross twice
There is nothing I can do, so I turn to leave
Then I see a creature that lives but doth not breathe
It is Charon the evil ferryman
But I stand my place as best I can
He knows why I came
My life behind me and even my name
I now stand alone on the other side
I've made it thus far and am filled with pride
There before me stands the one I must fight
He is a vision of power and awesome might
He draws his sword and I draw mine
And the conflict is over in a matter of time
My life is over and now it's done
Death has battled again and won
I fought many times and never lost
It was always my duty to win at all cost
Yet in my greatest battle, though I did my best
My body was destoyed, But my soul fulfilled it's quest.

Ray Massie

Poetry is property of Ray Massie and may not be copied without his express permission

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