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Who am I ? Why am I here?
The bible holds the answers to make my way clear
Made in His image, such is the case
Wrapped in His love and infinite grace
I fear no evil wherever I trod
I wear the armor of my heavenly God
Girding my loins with His holy truth
Accepting my savior, since early in youth
The breastplate of righteousness, humbly I wear
The cross is my crest and banner I bear
In spreading His word, I will never cease
I shod my feet with the gospel of peace
The shield of faith, I will always hold
To protect from the lies Satan has told
To protect my soul on all occasion
He gives to me the helm of salvation
God gives me His word, the sword of the spirit
His awesome promise to those who would hear it
The sword of the spirit, weapon of choice
Slaying the darkness with compassionate voice
Fully armored, I need not fear
I know who I am and why I am here
I am God's tin soldier, obedient and true
Command me Oh Lord, I follow you

Based on Ephesians 6: 13-17 nas

Ray Massie

Poem is property ofRay Massieand may not be copied without his express permission

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