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The Warrior

There upon the long aged bluff
He is one of many a noble breed
He is the warrior ; strong and brave and true
With hair of gold and eyes of blue
He looks down over the crimson field
At many a mangled body and battered shield
He is the lone survivor of the mighty fight
Where death did deal his awsome might
But there across this crimson sea
Doth stand another still to be
There is a challenge that must be met
But he who challenges doth challenge death
He dawns his helm and draws his sword
And charges to battle praising the Lord
Then they meet in a mighty clash
Where steel bites flesh and death doth laugh
He has used up all his weapons
And his armor is destroyed
He has won the battle but lost the war
For although he fought hard and did his part
His own warm blood flows from his heart
He looks over this land of his birth
This crystal ball called mother earth
She called him back to fight so gallantly
Where his only prize would be eternity
Under the oak he sits to bleed
Yes he is the warrior a noble breed
His head doth fall among green clover
For he hath met the challenge and his life is over
He knew not where life may lead
He knew he was a warrior a noble breed.

Ray Massie

Poetry is property of Ray Massie and may not be copied without his express permission

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