Tiffani Vaughan Friends Page Featuring Juggies, Photo Model

Tiffani @ Angelfire


Juggies' Profile Updated 02/14/2003 07:44 PM

Meet Juggies

Lets see, what would you like to know... I am a Naughty Little Bear who's Born and Raised in the Great White North! The Home of Hockey Nights & Beer! I love to do Sexy, Crazy & Wild shoots, anything from Rose Pedals and Lingerie to Body Painting Nude! I think I've finally come to realize that I myself have a Panty Fetish, if you think you love a Girl in some sexy drawers, come and see my Treasure Chest! And I suppose finally, I am Very interested in Graphic Design, I may not be great, but I'll Die Trying! My site is 
Fully Owned and Operated by Yours Truly, everything you See & Don't, hehe, is all me Baby!

Juggies is also featured on New Discoveries Network

I met Tiffani's webmaster, Chimon, on the Internet. Soon we became cyber buddies, and the next thing I knew I was invited to be profiled here. I was a bit reluctant at first because Tiffani has such a great photo presence, but then I figured what the heck.


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