Boy Scout Troop 303

Hope Presbyterian Church
Welcome to Boy Scout Troop 303's Homepage! Come visit the new, secure troop website! This Homepage was developed as an informational resource for the exclusive use of Scouts, parents and friends of Boy Scout Troop 303. From this page, you will be able to access our Troop 303 Newsletter, Calendar, information on Troop activities, programs, opportunities to earn merit badges, as well as the current Boy Scout rank and merit badge requirements. Please note our "New" sections, and the Scouts "Favorite Camp Stories" page. Troop 303 always welcomes your comments and suggestions. We hope that you will visit this site often on your "Trail to Eagle".

What's the message?
Troop 303 Newsletters and Info: What's happening with Troop 303? Just point, click and see!
Both Scouts and parents must visit this page!
Informational Newsletter from the  U.S. SCOUT SERVICE PROJECT!!
Read this informational Newsletter!
FAVORITE CAMP STORIES -- by Scouts and for Scouts!
Troop 303 Scouts--this is your site! Share a favorite Camp or Scout story and posted it on your web page! Something that happened to you on a campout or in Scouts that you want to share with the Troop. (Remember, it will be available for all to see.) Send an email below to have your story posted!
PICTURES from our June Family Picnic Note: This is a very large file!
Last Month's Troop 303 Newsletter 
Troop 303 Calendar: Be sure to mark these important Troop dates!
Troop Calendar: 1998-1999
The "Laws of Scouting": Scout Oath; Scout Law; Motto; Slogan; Outdoor Code; Scout Spirit!
Troop 303 "Laws of Scouting"
Advancement Requirements and Opportunities: B.S.A. requirements for all Scout Ranks, plus the required Eagle merit badges. Also included are merit badge classes available for Troop 303 Scouts.
Scout Ranks
Alternate Requirements for
Tenderfoot,Second Class and First Class Ranks
Merit Badges
The following merit badges are currently required for Eagle Scout:
Citizenship in the Community
Citizenship in the Nation
Citizenship in the World
Emergency Preparedness
Environmental Science
Family Life
First Aid
Personal Fitness
Personal Management
Merit Badge Requirements for ALL merit badges (including Eagle Required)
Alternate Merit Badges for the Eagle Scout Rank
Upcoming Merit Badge and Advancement Opportunities for Troop 303 Scouts!
B.S.A. Lifeguard Requirements Just earned by C.N.! Troop 303 needs more B.S.A. Lifeguards!
Index to Additional B.S.A. Special Awards
Scouting Websites: Excellent Scouting related websites offering valuable resources on outdoor activities, advancement, and ideas for Eagle Scout Service Projects.
 U.S. Scouting Service Project Home Page
Eagle Scout Leadership Project Workbook (Excellent Life to Eagle Transition Info from the B.S.A.)
Welcome to Eagle Scout.Org!
Eagle Scout Service Project Planning Guide
Eagle Scout Service Project Ideas
Contacts for Eagle Scout Congratulatory letters (Updated address list of individuals willing to write congratulatory letters!)
Additional Contacts for Eagle Scout Congratulatory letters (More address lists of individuals willing to write congratulatory letters!)
Famous Eagle Scouts
Earn the Internet Scout Patch
Scout History and Traditions (An interesting page!)

Please Sign Our Troop 303 Guestbook
 View Our Troop 303 Guestbook
 Please email your questions or comments.
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visitor to this site.
Page last updated: July 23, 1999