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About Me

Just some basic stuff about me
Occupation:Student at Niles North High School
Hobbies:Rollerblading, listening to tunes (I like just about anything except for country), hanging out with my friends, biking, video games and whatever else anyone wants to do.

I started this page because it had been an ambition of mine since early 97. My friend and I were planning to make a web page that would branch out into other things. We actually made the newsletter and flyers and such but we never really advertised it. Since then, he's gone his own way and made his own page, Angel's Heaven. Now I finally got access to a good enough computer to make my own page. This basically what URW was originally going to be. So have fun! If you have any questions, problems or complaints e-mail me.

<eva/home/me/religion/sign guestbook/view guestbook/video games>
