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Djkomnear's Video game site!

Welcome to my site! Welcome to my site!

Welcome to my site!

Hi! I'm Omnear.

Welcome to my Video game site.

>This site will have or already has
  • Pictures
    • Music
  • Downloads
    • Cheats
  • Strategies
    • Backrounds
  • Lot's of cool stuff!
    • E-Mail me
  • My other sites
    • A lot of sections
  • Links

Welcome to Djkomnear's Video game site! Enjoy your stay.

Choose where you want to go.

Main Sections

Go to the Nintendo section!
Go to the Sega section!
Go to the Sony section!
Go to other companies who make games section!


Go to Strategy guides I made!


Go to cheats!

Special Sections

Go to an exclusive on the NES!
Go to Square soft stuff!
Go to Capcom stuff!
Game Magazine: Best Mags, Latest issues, about.
Chocobo world!


Go to Zelda speacial section!


Go to downloads!
Go to Pictures!

E-Mail Me

E-mail me!

Well, Enjoy my site!

DISCLAIMER My site in no way owns any of the videogames and/or systems that are talked about on this site. This is a fan site for videogames. Non of the strategies were taken from anything else, they were made by me. Also, if any official of any system or game talked about in here doesn't like what I have, please contact me. I may not believe you, and I will go to far reaches just to find out if you really are who you say to be if so. Also, since these strategies are unofficial, they may not be as good as the regular strategies, and also might be better. Therefore, if you want the whole thing, BUY the official strategy guide. This site was also made so if you liked my reviews on the games, you can decide if you want to buy them or not. Therefore I don't want to steal anyone's credit for anything. All of the html documents in here were made strictly by me. If you like any music from a game that I offer to download, please go and buy the cd. Cds/tapes have much better quality in them then my music downloads do, plus you can bring them around where ever you want!
TAKING SOMETHING FROM MY SITE WITHOUT PERMISSION FOR YOUR SITE The strategies in here were made by me, Djkomnear1, and may not be taken by anyone. The same goes for downloads. If you want to use a song from my site that you downloaded from it, that is fine. BUT, you may not have it downloading from my link to download. You must put it on your own account. As for the strategies I worked very hard to make all of them, and if you take them bad things may happen to you. Same with the html, all of the html was made by me. If you would like to use any of my stuff, please ask me AND give me credit.
TAKING SOMETHING FROM MY SITE This is ok with me. That's why I have it here. You may take any pictures, and download any music, and also, you can use any strategies and codes posted here. You just can't take them and put them on one of your own sites.
Thank You for taking the time to read these I appreciate it

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A Megaman topsites list
A Pokemon topsites list

This site was last updated 12.02.00!