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Together at the hearts we shall be
So when miles separate us
Or we're unable to share
This very moment together
All I do is remember
Hearts stay together as one
As ours always will...

Sitting here thinking of you
As I so often do
And if I had the chance
I would be there with you
Close to you
With the one I love...

Can't think of one thing
I love best about you
When every thought
Adds a smile to my face,
Everething you touch
Comes to life,
Frowns turn upside down
And you bring happiness
All around you...

An angel in disguise
That's what you have to be
Sharing joy with all that you do
Making each day worth living
Adding love all around you
Erasing any pain that used to be

And all this my love
Is when I am
"Close To You"
Morning, Noon and Night
That's what I want you
Sharing our lives as one
Because You My Love
Are my dreams that have come true
Created for me to love

So where ever this life may lead us
It doesn't really matter
As Long As I Am
Close To You

Artwork by Kayomi
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

Love ya my friends and God Bless You!

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