Ryo could feel his heart beating faster as he approached Shin and thus far it didn't appear as though Shin had noticed him coming. That was a good thing since Ryo was beginning to lose his nerve and now just wanted to turn around and head back to the house.

What am I doing? Jeez I'm not even sure just what to say to him? 'Hi Shin nice day. Oh yeah I just thought I should tell you that I have a crush on you and well I was hoping you would be my lover.' That should be a hit with him! Go back Ryo... No Go talk to him... No go back... Arrrrgggghhh Now I'm arguing with myself.

Shin sensed Ryo's approach long before he heard him... That's how it was lately. He had become so in tuned to Ryo that he could sense him better then any of the others now. No wonder... They aren't in love with him! Shin could tell that Ryo was taking his time, and that bothered him most of all... Waiting for that voice to speak to him, the one he wanted to hear speak to him while in the throes of ecstasy. I know you're there, Ryo. You never could sneak up on me. Just say something.

"H... Hi Shin." Ryo managed to stutter out. I was wondering if there was anything wrong? I mean you're sitting out here in the rain and I know this is where you come when you're bothered by something." Ryo asked looking down at his friend sitting on the dock.

Closing his eyes, Shin tried to find the right words, but they just wouldn't come to him. I know Seiji just said to tell him, but I can't. What if we're both wrong for each other? What if he doesn't feel the same way about me? Do I really want to have my heart broken? Then there's the fact that he's never home... Maybe he has someone all ready.

"No not really Ryo. I'm just enjoying the weather. You know me... I'm drawn to water." Shin said as he played in the water with his feet.

"Okay then. Mind if I sit with you for awhile?" Ryo asked, trying to hide the nervousness in his voice. Oh you're just so smooth Ryo... Baka!

"Suit yourself." Shin shrugged his shoulders as he answered and pointed to the spot next to him." I know you though and this damp weather will make you sick if you stay out here too long."

"If it's good enough for you then it's good enough for me." Ryo responded as he sat next to Shin. He could all ready feel his body starting to tingle from being so close to him. Ryo looked down at the smooth well muscled legs that Shin sported and wished like hell that he could run his hands over them.

Shifting himself slightly Ryo decided it might be better for him if he tried to keep his mind off those types of thoughts. "Shin, I know there's something wrong. What is it? What's bothering you?" Ryo asked turning his attention to Shin's face. Just look at him! The way his hair hangs in his face and the water as it drips from his chin... Oh and the moisture on those kissable lips. God this is going to be harder then I thought! Plus if I don't stop it with those thoughts I'm going to get hard! That should look good.

"Please Shin, let's go in and dry off and then we can talk." Ryo swallowed hard as his eyes took in the sight of the man beside him. PLEASE? I don't know how long I can manage to keep my hands off you with you looking like this couple with the fact that we are alone here.

"I... I'm fine, Ryo." Shin said as he wiped away some drenched hair from his face. He could have sworn he heard a soft moan coming from Ryo, but passed it off as a figment of his imagination. Sure, like I could get someone like Ryo aroused... Get real Mori! "I'll go in when I'm ready." He stated flatly.

"Shin. Don't lie to me." Ryo sighed. "I hate to see you in this state. Something is wrong, I can tell... I can almost sense it."

"What are you doing out here anyway?" Shin asked in hopes of changing the subject, he really wasn't ready to talk. "You're usually doing everything you can not to get wet, not to mention that you don't like the dampness... You really should go back to the house."

"I want to know what's going on with you. I'm concerned about you, Shin. Answer me and then I'll go." Ryo's hands clung to the edge of the dock, trying his best to keep them to himself. Not that I want to go... God do you even know just how sexy you look right now? The way your shirt clings to you, the way your hair looks... This is pure torture just sitting here and not being able to touch you.

"You're concerned?" Shin turned to him and frowned. "Since when do you have time to do be concerned about any of us, let alone me?" Shin said as he stood up and glared down at Ryo. "You're not home enough lately to even know what the hell is going on!" He turned his back to Ryo afraid that his emotions would cause him to do something he would later regret.

"Shin I know I've been gone a lot and I'm sorry for that. I still care though." Ryo saw the hurt in Shin's eyes right before he looked away and tried to calm him down. "It's just that... Well I've had a lot on my mind lately... *mainly you*... And I needed time to think things through."

"So if you're so wrapped up in that... How can you have time to be concerned about any of us?" Shin shot back. Don't you realize that when you're not around I feel lost? Then I start wondering if you are seeing someone and that's why you're gone all the time... I hate to admit it but I get jealous.

"Shin? Is that what's bothering you?" Ryo asked. "The fact that I'm not home and appear to not worry about you guys?"

"Yes... No... Well a little of both I guess." Shin said, feeling slightly embarrassed and a little awkward at the moment. He knew he had to get away, he was losing the battle to keep from grabbing Ryo and just kissing him... Then he would know once and for all whether or not the bearer of Rekka cared or not. No I can't chance it... My hearts not ready for the rejection. Shin started walking away, feeling it was the safest thing to do.

"Wait! Shin!" Ryo said as he shot up from his spot. He didn't stop to remember that the wooden dock got a little slippery when it was wet and before he could do anything he felt his feet go out from under him. First he say gray skies then he felt the cold water, along with the pain that shot through his head. Darkness seemed to surround him as he struggled against it... His lungs stung as he swallowed water and then he felt nothing...

'What was that?' Shin thought as he turned around to see the ripples on the lake. It took him but a few seconds to realize what had happened. "Ryo...? Oh dear God! RYO!" Shin said as he jumped into the water, his heart was pounding as he searched for his friend. The rain and Ryo's fall had stirred up the sediment making it hard to see but he kept at it.

Panic set in when after a few minutes he still could not find Ryo, especially since he knew there was no way Ryo could hold his breath for that long, even he needed to go up for air now. Diving back down into the lakes murky depths, Shin began to feel blindly along the bottom, hoping to find him. Please Suiko help me find him. Finally his hands grabbed material and quickly he took hold dragging the now water laden body up towards the surface.

"Ryo!" Shin called to him as he dragged him to the edge and then out of the water. Laying Ryo down on the muddy shore, Shin immediately set to work trying to extract the water that was now filling Ryo's lungs. He could feel the tears that had settled in his eyes, fearful that Ryo wouldn't come around.

Several attempts later and the raven haired boy began sputtering so Shin quickly rolled him onto his side. "Ryo? Oh God! You okay?" He said as he franticly searched for bruises and cuts and finding only a small lump on the side of his head. "Ryo? Come on talk to me... Please talk." Shin watched as Ryo stared ahead and then blinked several times.

"W... What?" Ryo answered not really aware of what was going on.

"Are you okay?" Shin asked as held onto his shoulders and helping Ryo to sit up.

"W...What...? H... How did I get here? Shin?" Ryo asked as he tried to focus on Shin's voice.

"Are you alright, Ryo?" Shin repeated. His hands shook and he watched the haze slowly lift from Tiger blue eyes.

Ryo attempted to gather his thoughts and looked up at him. "I think so. My head is pounding but other then that..."

"Don't you ever scare me like that again... You lug!" Shin said as he grabbed him and then kissed him more out of a sense of relief then anything but kissed him just the same.

Shock with a bit of fear twisted and fluttered through Ryo as Shin continued to kiss him. Then he slowly pulled back. Leaving Ryo to find his thoughts again. Oh my God! He's kissed me! Kuso!

Seeing the bewildered look on his friend's face, Shin felt his own cheeks burn with embarrassment. "I... I'm sorry. Gomen Ryo! It just happened." Shin apologized as he pulled his hands away and looked away.

Ryo quickly grabbed Shin's hands and pulled him closer. Ryo could see the confused look stirring in Shin's emerald green eyes as he slowly started to trace his features with his fingertips. Then before Shin had a chance to say anything Ryo pulled him closer still to taste the sweet lips that he had been longing for.

Ryo felt Shin's hands tighten their grasp on his, then felt one hand finding its way up to the side of his face, lightly caressing it. It had caught him virtually off guard as Shin pushed his tongue past his parted lips to taste him from within. That act contracted Ryo's voice into soft moans as he enjoyed the gentle exploration. Wrapping his arms more fully around Shin he allowed the bearer of Suiko full access to his mouth, even using his own tongue to guide the other around.

As the kiss intensified Ryo's body began to want more as one hand had found it's way up and under his shirt. Massaging fingers were now sending-shock waves of heat and electricity to other parts of his body causing him to tingle all over. Ryo moaned more as the fingers gently rubbed over his nipples, hardening them.

Shin found himself lowering Ryo back down onto the muddy surface as his own body followed suit, covering Ryo's. It was pure bliss kissing the fire warrior, his mouth was hot just as he had expected... His tongue explored and prodded in hopes of learning every nook and cranny there was. When no protests came from Ryo, Shin slid his hands up under Ryo's shirt to delicately flutter over the cool skin. Shin's heart literally jumped for joy when Ryo's moans vibrated into his mouth and against his lips.

Feeling a little bolder, Shin allowed his hand to follow a path down between their bodies to the constricted bulge that formed behind Ryo's jeans. Both men now could feel themselves yearning for something more as their breathing started to turn to shallow pants.

Ryo didn't know how but the cool breeze that caressed his skin told him that the buttons of his shirt had been opened and now the zipper of his jeans was being undone. The droplets of rain and coolness of the breeze seemed to welcome him as Shin prompted him to sit up so he could remove the soaked shirt. Carefully he laid him back down as he stripped him of his remaining garments. Ryo shivered slightly as he looked up at Shin, wanting him as close to his body as possible.

Ryo slid further under Shin for the contact and warmth as he arched his hips upwards upwards. Jolts of pleasure passed over him as his length made contact with the bulge now throbbing within the confines of Shin's pants. Ryo moaned and closed his eyes, wanting more. That's when he felt a hand slither it's way across his skin from his hip and tighten around his length and his eyes flew open. Involuntarily Ryo bucked his hips against the hand that now held him.

"Unnmm.." Ryo moaned as Shin began to work his length with slow and deliberate strokes. He shuddered as the constant sensations made his spine feel like it had gone limp and quivered in sheer bliss at the softness of the touch. It took everything he had to hold still for Shin, when all he wanted to do was thrust up in hopes of putting an end to the burn that now scorched its way up his length.

It came as a shock when it ended and the slow tender touches stopped. Ryo felt lost as he opened his eyes to find his auburn haired love just staring down at him and smiling.

"Shin?" Ryo whispered, relieved that he was still close by yet confused as to why Shin had stopped.

"Shhhhh, I just wanted to look at you. I'm not going anywhere." Shin smiled as if he had read Ryo's mind. Reaching down he pushed raven hair behind an ear. "You're beautiful Ryo... So beautiful..." Shin whispered softly as his eyes took in the sight before him.

Chest muscles rippled, leading to a tight abdomen that gave way to slender hips and lean muscular legs. In the center of it all, black curls surrounded a member that any man would be proud to sport. Yes, Ryo had been blessed from head to toe with a body to die for.

Ryo fell into the misted green eyes as they flittered close and Shin lowered to reclaim his lips. A swipe of Shin's tongue over his lips told Ryo the he craved for then to part. He could only moan breathlessly as his mouth was being plundered once more. When the kiss did break moist lips started to nibble softly as a warm tongue took time to taste bits of flesh here or there. Ryo kept his eyes shut as he tried to control his breathing.

Shin moaned softly as he kissed and tasted the rain soaked skin of Ryo's neck and then shivered when he felt own shirt being lifted up as cool fingertips danced over his back and down his sides to rest on his hips. Ryo held fast as he arched his back and rubbed his erection against him and Shin felt his own length throb and twitch madly.

"Oh God Ryo..." Shin spoke against Ryo's neck. Never in his wildest dream did he think something so erotic could feel so pleasurable. The urge to taste more of the heavenly body under him, egged Shin on and he started kissing across his shoulders and down Ryo's chest.

Ryo arched his back when rain kissed lips danced their way over his skin and when a mouth clamped onto and began to suckle a dusty nipple, Ryo thought for sure he would come from the sensation. Shin paid careful attention to both, forming them into rock hard pebbles before Ryo felt the soft lips moving down over his chest to his abdomen, stopping to explore his navel.

When Shin began to make his way past his navel, Ryo bit his lip and clenched his fists tight as he surrendered to whatever the water warrior wanted.

Shin smiled as he dipped his tongue out to trace the dark line of hairs that led from Ryo's navel to the larger patch of curls that glistened from the moisture that wetted them. His eyes wandered to

Ryo's sex that throbbed with need and so he dipped down to kiss the tip and then his tongue explored the slit, tasting the drop of pre-cum that his soon to be lover offered up. Hot, salty and with a hint of spice was how Shin found its taste and so he dipped in for more.

"Oishii." Shin cooed as the need for more became stronger.

Ryo moaned in anticipation as Shin's lips brushed against his erection and when a heated tongue dipped out to taste him, Ryo cried out softly. The small gusts of wind, sent burning butterflies throughout his skin and the light nibbling was simmering his blood to boil. Several flicks of Shin's tongue at the tip sent him into a frenzy.

"Motto Shin... Please?" Ryo thrust his hips up beckoning him.

"Hai." Shin spoke softly as he ran his tongue up the underside of Ryo's sex, moaning as he thought about the prize that awaited him... His koi's essence. Wrapping his lips around the head he sucked gentle on it and tasted to salty drops that flowed forth. Slowly he descended grazing teeth and tongue over engorged flesh. Ryo was much to large for him to take it all in and so he did his best with what he could take in.

Ryo's body trembled and became paralyzed from the overwhelming sensation of his length being encased in the moist heat of his love's mouth. He allowed Shin's tongue to map him out and intertwine with his length until he wasn't sure where he ended and his love began.

Ryo felt cool fingers caressing the inside of his thighs as they trailed their way over skin, tender and untouched by anyone other then himself. The touches sent streaks of desire that clutched to his spine. Ryo could feel the torment of pleasure building up as one finger gently made its way towards the entrance to his body.

Squirming with passion, Ryo tensed slightly when Shin's finger, now slick with rain water traced around the rim, while another hand made lazy circles on his inner thigh, trying to relax him. When Shin asked if he wanted him to stop all Ryo could do was whimper softly and shake his head. This felt too good to stop... he wanted more and he knew that Shin would be more then happy to oblige.

"Motto." Ryo repeated once he found his voice again.

Ryo did his best to calm himself and prepare for the pain that would surely come as he was being penetrated, by using some of the meditation techniques that Seiji had taught him. He still flinched when Shin gently pushed past the stubborn muscle to his entrance, thankful that he stopped and waited for the muscles to relax slightly before moving in any further.

Shin sighed as he felt his finger being squeezed by velvety heat which burned almost as much as his own body. He could feel the tension in Ryo as he pushed his finger in and waited until muscles loosened enough to allow him to move. He never had done this before other then to himself, anticipating the day that he would hopefully have Ryo for his lover.

Never would he be able to admit this or the fact that he would sneak onto Nasutei's computer and read up on male/male lovemaking. He knew he had to take it slowly, pain was a given for the first time but if he was careful that pain would subside and be replaced with pleasure. He wanted this to feel good to Ryo for this was the day he had dreamt about for so long.

Ryo hissed through clenched teeth as another finger massaged its way in to join the first, once again stopping to allow the muscles to relax and accommodate them. His hips arched downwards from the intrusion of the cool wet fingers and thrust upwards towards the burning heat of Shin's tantalizing mouth.

Ryo found himself slipping further and further away from control as he climbed closer to the edge when Shin began to slowly pump his fingers. Deeper they went as the pace increased slightly and when Shin's fingertips hit something deep within his body, Ryo cried out in ecstasy, his body quivered as jolts of pleasure cursed though him. "Yes Shin... Sugoi kanjiru!"

Shin was surprised when his fingertips brushed over something deep in Ryo's body that obviously felt quite good cause now the bearer of Rekka was panting hard and thrashing about under him. Shin had to hold Ryo's hips down as he continued his assault on his sex and his body. Shin then found himself remembering, and he stepped up his efforts to keep his fingers thrusting towards Ryo's sweet spot, knowing it wouldn't take much more to send him over.

Shin could no longer ignore his own erection that was now throbbing almost painfully between his thighs and he reached down to open his jeans, allowing his sex to have the room it needed. With a growing need he rubbed himself against the cool ground wanting an end to his ache.

Ryo found himself too far gone to notice that Shin was trying desperately to relieve his burn as fingers vibrated against that spot deep inside him and a hot mouth suckled his sex. Before he knew what was happening agonizing pleasure flowed from the pit of his being. His balls, heavy with his seed, constricted and the heated burn inched its way up and into this sex forcefully rising to the surface like a volcano about to blow.

Ryo screamed out Shin's name as streaks and flashes of white over took him. "Iku! Iku! Oh God Shin!" Ryo felt his seed empty into the water bearer's mouth, volley after volley of sticky white liquid gushed forth. He could hear Shin trying desperately to take it all down and then he felt Shin's body stiffen and a moan of content reached his ears.

When Ryo called out his name and he felt burning liquid quenching his parched throat then muscles contract around his fingers, Shin lost it. As he tried to drink down the fluid Ryo offered him, his own sex twitched and then began to spasm as he shot his seed into the ground under him. His whole body tingled and small tremors cursed through him as he emptied his balls of their load.

Ryo laid there panting as shockwaves of pleasure overtook him... Little by little he started to get his breath back as his heart rate slowed to a steady pace. His senses started to relax as the rain soothed his over heated body.

Shin gathered the scattered clothing and brought them to Ryo. He still hadn't moved from his spot.
"Ryo... " Shin said kneeling next to him. "Ryo, we should go in now." He said softly as he rested his hand on his raven-haired love.

Ryo looked up and smiled. "All right, but give me another kiss first." He said sitting up.
Shin grabbed the back of Ryo's neck and drew him in for a kiss.

"Mnnn..." Ryo moaned as he was getting into the kiss, but Shin then pulled away.

"Later, love." He said as he gave him his clothes and started to fix his jeans when he stood up.

Ryo didn't like the feeling of wet jeans, but he climbed back into them anyway.

Shin waited for Ryo to finish dressing before he started to walk to the house. He was startled when he felt arms wrap around him and he stopped in his tracks. He didn't think Ryo would want the others to know about them just yet. Even though he was ready to announce them to the world. He still was ready to keep it a secret until he was ready to tell them. Although, with his arms wrapped around him tightly. He felt overjoyed yet shocked at his actions. So he was froze with out words.

"What's wrong, Shin?" Ryo asked as they stood in the rain.

"I, I... didn't think you would want the others to know right away." He confessed.

Ryo smiled and tightened his embrace around him. "I want every one to know your mine and I'm yours." He assured.

With that Shin started to the house where the screen door was the only blockage to entering. As they entered, they could only hear the television that Shu had going. Even though he had fallen asleep on the couch. Ryo walked over and switched it off as Shin found the throw blanket and draped it over his sleeping friend.

"When did you get back in." A very loud voice asked.

They turned around and seen Touma standing in the doorway of the kitchen with a sandwich in hand.

"Shh... Shu's sleeping." Shin said pointing to him on the couch.

"Oh... I didn't hear you come in. I must be going deaf or something." He said quietly.

"We just came in." Ryo said as he put his arms around Shin's waist and smiled.

Touma was surprised, but tried to hide it. "Are you crazy? You're soaked to the bone."

"We're just on our way to dry off." Shin said as he led Ryo up the stairs.

As they walked down the hall. Ryo kept his grip on his new love. Making it difficult to walk for Shin. He stumbled a couple times until he realized. That with him clinging to him like that: he'd have to take smaller steps to Ryo's room.

"Ryo, loosen your grip a bit. I can't walk." Shin said in a happy tone.

"I'm never letting go. So, get used to it." Ryo said as he gave Shin a light kiss on his neck.

Shin continued on his way with Ryo latched to his back.

"Go ahead and take your stuff off, Shin. I'll go get a towel from the bathroom first." Ryo said as Shin went in his room and turned on the light.

Shin looked around in disbelief. He never though that he'd be so welcome in his room. Especially with him dripping wet. Looking outside he noticed that the rain had let up to a light drizzle. He figured the storm would pass soon now. He was hoping that he'd fall asleep listening tot he rain in Ryo's embrace.

"Got the towels." Ryo said as he quietly shut the door.

With the door shut: Ryo turned to his new lover and smiled as he saw him peeling off the drenched shirt. He put the towels on the dresser as instinct brought him to his side. Holding him tightly for a moment from behind. Before he let his hands run over the smooth skin of his koi's abdomen. Ryo let his lips trace the firm muscles of his neck and listened to the gentle breathing that turned into heavy invitation.

Shin let his hands rest at his side. While he enjoyed the ravishing exploration. That Ryo had begun and he definitely wanted him to finish what he started. This was after all... something he had longed for and dreamed of. Just the touch of his hands had made his temperature raise. The touch of his lips and small gusts from them was awaking his desire. His body was starting to take over and he let it. Just to let him know and show him that his love was as strong as time and beyond. He shuttered as fingers fondled a sensitive nipple.

Ryo liked the way he felt under his fingertips. When he felt him shutter with a small gasp. He knew he wanted more and let his wandering hand slide over the wet fabric between his legs. Where he massaged teasingly. He smiled as the slender body in his arms began to yearn and start to tremble under his touch. Last time Shin had some how gotten the upper hand, but this time. He wanted to share the feeling that he had shown him. To let him feel the sweet torture of pleasure at it's most raw nature. To show him that he loved him. His own nervousness seemed to melt away as hands found their way up and caressed his hair and rested on his neck. So, he undid his lover's jeans and let them find the floor on their own as he let his fingers trace his koi's precious body and figure.

Shin wriggled in Ryo's arms as the massaging hand molded his desire and began to ache. He pushed against the hand for more, as the light pressure just wasn't enough. The teasing hand only stayed the same and he was becoming more aroused. Between the tantalizing ache forming and the streaks of sensation from the hand still caressing his now hard nipple. He melted in his arms and his body took over. It trembled with every touch and wanted him to ask for more. He slid his hands up and found his neck and feathery hair and tried to encourage his actions. He was thankful when he was released from the tight cage of fabric for his efforts. That was only short lived however. When he felt fingertips float across his skin and sent him back into the trembling want until he couldn't take it any longer. Shin turned around and quickly claimed his lover's lips.

Ryo let him have what he wanted and opened his mouth slightly to let him enter. He moaned as he felt his tongue and mouth be taken, but that was as much control he was going to get. He led him to the bed as he finished crawling out his own clothing and put his knees on the edge. Making Shin sit and lay back as he leaned down.

Ryo gave him one more, soft kiss as he made a trail down his neck. Once again he felt hand back on his neck and hair as he captured a hard nipple with his mouth. He could hear slight moans and gasps as he continued to play with the other with his fingers.

Shin loved the feel of his burning mouth as he let himself be led to the bed. Now he was growing impatient as his pleasure turned to desire. His length ached for more as he felt him lean him down on the bed. The touch of his skin sent waves through his body, but Ryo was holding him down with his body. He felt torn as he departed the kiss and began to nibble his way down his neck. He rested his hands on him trying to not go over the edge just yet as he closed his eyes. Then in an instant a burning wave of sensation over took him as he felt the kiss continue at his nipple. He let out a gasp and moaned as fingers massaged the burning wave through out his body. Slowly building up to what he thought he couldn't take, but only continued. He didn't hear his own voice as moans escaped and once again tried to rub against his lover.

Ryo felt him trying to relieve his ache and instead of letting him. He pulled Shin's knees up to his side and rubbed against his body: grinding their sexes between them. The sound in his lover's voice almost sounded frantic. So, he tried to calm him with a kiss. He enjoyed the feel of him so close to him. Before he could only dream of this, but now it was happening. Shin was here and right under him. Now he wondered how he'd feel inside. The kiss was broken as Shin turned his head and whimpered through his teeth. Ryo slowed his pace until they were still. He could still feel his lover wriggling under him. This was as far as he was going to go though.

Shin realized that Ryo had stopped all together and looked at him in confusion.

"Did I do some thing wrong?" He asked in a whisper as if a shamed.

"No, it's just... " Ryo tried to answer, but saw the almost hurt look in hazed green eyes. "We don't have any lubrication. I, I... don't want to hurt you."

Ryo looked at him with compassion, but all he got in return was wanting eyes. Hurting him was the last thing he ever wanted to do and he was egging him on by slightly rubbing his leg against his side. Letting him know that he wanted him no matter what.

"Wait here a minute. I'll be right back." Ryo said getting up and sliding into a pair of sweat pants.

Shin turned to his side as Ryo left the room. The ache was still burning and now he had to wait... for Ryo to return. In the mean time he figured it couldn't hurt to help himself. So he slid had around his length and began to pump in a steady pace. He got so lost in the swirling sensations that he didn't realize when Ryo had come back in the room.

Ryo watched silently for a moment. Taking in the scene before him. He looked so exquisite lost in his own bliss. His lips slightly parted for more air and slender hand moving a rhythmic motion. Ryo couldn't wait to feel what awaited him. So, he went over to the bed and sat next to him.

"You're beautiful, Shin." Ryo said just loud enough for him to hear him.

Shin opened his eyes, but didn't stop his hand as he looked at him.

"I got something... " Ryo said holding up a travel sized bottle of baby oil.

"Uhmm... " Shin moaned as he closed his eyes.

Ryo realized that Shin was going to get satisfied with or with out him at this point. So, he puddled some baby oil into his hand and made sure his length was more than sated. He leaned over his koi and made him stop as he got his attention with a kiss. Then brought one leg up and held it there with an arm.

"Any time you want me to stop... " Ryo started to say, but got interrupted as he got his answer by suddenly feeling a tight grip around his length. Ryo looked into his lover's eyes and seen he wasn't about stop any time soon. He grabbed Shin's hand and placed it by his auburn hair. "Okay." He whispered as he kissed his temple. Then slid his hand back over his slicked length and found his way to his lover's opening.

Where he teased for a moment, relishing in the effects it had. Slowly rubbing his fingertips across the opening and brushing against his delicate skin. He watched as Shin started to lose control and start to wriggle more and more under his touch. His lips parted and eyes shut: made him the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. It was when his cries and moans became thunderous in his throat. That he knew he had to continue. So, he let one slicked finger slowly massage its way in. Ryo could feel his penis twitch as the muscle and burning heat choked his finger. He was getting impatient himself as he let another slowly slide in and make it's way deeper into the encasing entrance.

"Ryooo...unnn..." Shin whimpered as his body at first tried to fight the sensation of the penetration.
He had expected it hurt, but he wasn't ready for it. After all it was just his fingers. He tried to relax as Ryo waited for him to get used to him. Then the burning desire started to replace the pain bit by bit. Although, his koi didn't wait quite long enough as he started to massage deeper with in him. Shin clutched at the blankets and kept trying to relax as fingers began to pump a pace. That was sparking a fire that spread quickly through his body.

Ryo noticed that Shin's breathing had gotten deeper and he slowed his pace. After a few moments he couldn't wait any longer. He slid his fingers out and nudged the tip of his length at his entrance. To let him know what was going to happen next. Ryo grabbed his lover's hand and held it tightly as he slowly forced his way inside. The muscles inside clutched and tightened him as he went further. The burning heat inside made him coo deep in his throat as he tried to rest his head on his lover's shoulder's crease.

He could feel the body under him squirm and tremble, but yet let him in. He could see the pain in his eyes though. So, he tried to ease every thing by letting him know it was good so far.

"emmm... you feel so good." Ryo said to him. "Better than I had ever imagined." Ryo confessed as suddenly. Shin had found a way to move under him. "Unmshin... uhh..." Ryo said as his spine seemed to tighten. For a moment he lost his senses and stopped every thing, but was brought back by Shin's voice.

"Shh, finish what you started, love." He whispered in his ear.

With that he thrust into him and began to enjoy what it was he had longed for. The constricting heat smothered his restraint and shyness. He held his lover's hand over his head as he let Shin have what was him. He was to lost in the sensation of over bliss to notice how loud they had gotten nor cared. All he wanted at the moment was for the both of them to enjoy each other.

Shin being pinned to the bed could only moan and cry in the midst of pleasure. Although his body still tried to thrash and buck. It was over load as Ryo had finally found that certain special spot and kept hitting it. He ached to come, but it was always just not enough. He felt his lower lip twitch as he hissed in the agony of pleasure. That was until he felt his koi shutter as he cried his name out. With a few more thrusts and Shin felt the strong force of his lover's essence being released.

Ryo could feel the body under him trying to thrash about. So, he fastened his pace and watched for a sign that his gentle warrior was close to the edge. When he saw his lower lip flutter and body tighten. He knew he was close. So, he kept it at that and tried to wait until his lover was satisfied and ready to come.

That was until he couldn't help it. It was time and there wasn't a thing he could do. He took a deep breath as he cried his lover's name out loud. Which was enough release at the time to push him harder to the end.

With a few more thrusts he felt his koi buck and shutter as he saw him cry in out in silence. That sent him self over the edge as he felt his love's seed spill out onto them in currents and force as he filled his gentle creature with his.