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South American Ocelot

The Ocelot is from the cat (Felidae) family. Its scientific name is Felis Pardilis.

The Ocelot is a night-active cat from North and South America. Camouflaged from head-to-tail to blend with its varied habitats it has, arguably the most beautiful coat of all the cats.

Ocelot's are at the top of the chain. They are carnivores eating Agoutis, Hares, Mice, Monkeys, Birds or anything they can overpower in forests and scrub lands. The Ocelot is a solitary hunter that may also live in pairs.

The Ocelot's coat varies from rich yellow to grey. Underside is speckled white. It has a ringed tail. The Ocelot can see six times as well as a human in the dark. An Ocelot can live for as long as 17 years in captivity, but we don't know how long they live in the wild yet.