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If our eyes never knew tears,
our souls would never know a rainbow....


Province of Zaina

Queen Goldmoon has announced that
Duchess.Brandi,will be the ruler of "Brandalee Manor".
Therefore Duchess.Brandi,
Invites ye to enjoy your stay at thy Manor

Proclamation and Declaration

Presented to: Duchess.Brandi

On thy occasion of the final construction and upon receipt of the certificate of occupancy, it is with genuine pleasure and considerable pride that this

Special Certification

Is hereby presented to you upon the successful completion of the Manor that shall henceforth be known as

Duchess.Brandalee's Manor

And shall also be known as a place of safe harbor in the land of enchantment where friends are welcome and strangers invited provided that they honor and obey the Rules of the Manor,as they may be set forth from time to time through the issuance of your orders and decrees that provide effective notice of the special modes of conduct and dispensation that are to be followed in this special place.

Signed and presented this Wednesday, the eleventh day of September, 2001, at 9:17 p.m., CDT by the honorable Sir.William,

servant of the populous, and advocate for the downtrodden.

In evidence thereto, this special honorific certification is presented with humble respect and deference on this momentous and special occasion.

Though the blood and equity of thousands

Be reflected in the construction of this place of rest

We remember the sacrifices of that legion

For the contributions that they made

For the special moment we now celebrate

Province of Zaian

Queen.Goldmoon's Lands

Thy Ladies Study at Zaina

Lands of Sir.William & M'Lady Asilin


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