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M'lady WhispyBlues Garden

Atlas,Ye have come far!!
Ah,,don't tither,M'Lady WhispyBlue will guide thee
to her teaparlor,thou ,ye must first flutter through her
gardens,to get there.
Look to thy far corner thee see thy gate,?We go through there....

When ever ye want to go to ye own lil world come to ye own
gardens,then sit and sip ye warm tea,I will have thy scones ready for thee
Love & hugz,
ye WOSIB angel sissy,
made on this date:
October thy 6th,2001

Any materials,personal Graphics,layouts and written words
contained in this Domain,and all the
site pages that are under control of this Domain and
the website of &
is Copyright ©
Any music is copyright of the artist
or exhibition of the copyrighted listed materials
above is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.Copyright ©

Please visit my other sites,along with M'lady WhispyBlues

Whispy Blue's Realm
Brandalee Manor
Our Ladies Tea Parlor
Land Of Beauty
