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Duchess Brandi's Crystal Parlor

This theory is vague and generalized;
and most certainly cannot possibly be
considered seriously!

From all the information available
birthsign by birthsign,all the 'recommended'
birthstones which each book suggested
would be appropriate for each sign of the zodiac.

It is discovered that every birth-sign had at
least nine gemstones which, according to all the books,
would be suitable for people being born
under that particular sign of the zodiac....
However, using ye own intuition, logic
and a little common-sense,following chart
ye can find useful as a guide (and a guide only!)
These are recommended,
to be a particular gemstone for someone's birth-sign:-

Aries - jasper, ruby

Taurus - rose quartz, lapis lazuli, carnelian, sapphire,
crystal, tigers eye,
agate,rutile quartz.

Gemini - citrine, rock .

Cancer - olivine, emerald, moonstone

Leo - quartz crystal, diamond, agate

Virgo - carnelian, agate, jasper, sapphire

Libra - emerald, aventurine, jade, sapphire

Scorpio - garnet,bloodstone,ruby,jasper,beryl

Sagittarius - topaz,jacinth,obsidian snowflake

Capricorn - smokey quartz, ruby, onyx, jet

Aquarius - turquoise, malachite, aquamarine, moonstone

Pisces - amethyst,opal, moonstone

Rainbow Crystal -
A crystal with a rainbow(s)
inside that is caused by light being refracted
by the prismatic effect of a crack or inclusion
is called a Rainbow.
The refraction is often temperature sensitive
causing the rainbow to appear and disappear.
It is believed that these crystals exhibit the
closest manifestation of pure white light that
can be witnessed on the physical plane.
Rainbow crystals are used during meditation to
escort us into the realm of the pure white light
and can bring depth and clarity to dreams,
help manifest wishes, and overcome negativity
to be able to love life in the present moment.

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