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Day 1.

Your Daily Task:

You will make a Journal in which you will record each day's events and important information that you will learn.

**Remember, this is going to be given to King One-Click. Be Neat! Take the time to make it neat!

The Process:

Materials: You will need 4 sheets of white paper and a stapler today. You're lucky! In Medieval times, paper was very scarce. There were no staplers. Papers would be held together with leather strings.

Only very rich people owned paper, but you are in the King's service after all, so he has given some to you. Use it carefully!

Step 1. You will fold each of the four sheets of paper in half. Watch the picture carefully first, and lay your paper just like you see in the picture on a flat table. Gently match the top and bottom corners and use one hand to hold them in place. With your other hand, slide your hand to the center of the fold and press down to make the crease. Do this for all six papers.

Step 2. Now that you have your 4 folded papers, we are going to make them into a book. Watch the directions first. Make sure all 4 of your papers are folded and slide them into each other- one at a time.

Step 3. The next step for your journal is stapling. We want to make sure that the top of the stapler stays on the outside of your book, and the bottom of the stapler goes inside your book so that the staples don't catch on your clothes. Watch the illustration first, and then staple yours. You may add a third staple in the middle if you wish.

Step 4. The final step for making your journal is your name. After all, we will be questing for several days and we don't want to loose it! Put your name very near the top, and to the right (the side that opens). Don't worry about decorating the cover right now! You'll do that with your heraldry symbol later on, so you want to only have your name on the cover.

If you are done for the day, click on Tyke to go to the Barracks!

If you're still ready to go, Click on Flash to go to Day 2!