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Day 3.

Your Daily Task:

You will make a Journal entry describing the knight's place in Medieval times, a drawing of yourself as a knight and a drawing of your shield.

**Remember, this is going to be given to King One-Click. Be Neat! Take the time to make it neat!

The Process:

Materials: You will need your journal and a pencil to record what you learn, and crayons or colored pencils.

Step 1. Before we go exploring, open your journal to the third page (the first two were done on day 2).

Step 2. On this page you need to write at the top:


Step 3. In this journal entry, you will need to make notes of:

**How a child becomes a knight,

**Who knights are,

**How knights behave,


**The reasons for tournaments and jousts

Step 4. Extra activity. On your cover of your journal today, draw yourself as a knight! How would you look? Would you have a horse? Where will you be near the castle or by a town? Use a second journal page today and draw your heraldry shield. What about your colors? Would you have a charge (heraldry animal)?

Now that you have your journal ready, click on Tyke and she'll help you find the places to go to!