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Day 7.

Your Daily Task:

You will make a Journal entry describing the good and bad things about Feudalism.

**Remember, this is going to be given to King One-Click. Be Neat! Take the time to make it neat!

The Process:

Materials: You will need your journal and a pencil to record what you learn.

Step 1. Today is the day you show what you know! Now, open your journal to the next blank page.

Step 2. On this empty page you need to write at the top:


Step 3. In this journal entry, you will need to make notes of:

**What is Feudalism? (** Hint: Think about the classes you know of now- commoners, nobles, clergy.)

** What are the good things about Feudalism?

** What are the bad things about Feudalism?

Step 4. Write a letter to King One-Click telling him if you like feudalism, and what makes you like it;


Why you don't like feudalism, and why you don't like it.

Remember to use your letter-writing style.

(Dear King One-Click,

(indent) Feudalism is good/bad because....




When you have your journal finished, click on Flick and he'll take you to King One-Click to hand it in!