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Teacher Process
This medieval webquest lesson is divided into seven different day segments, but it will take at least 9 sessions to complete depending on your classes' time limits for the computer. Each day has a session for journal notes, and most have an extension activity. You may choose to break up each day's notes and activites into different days of course, which will take additional time.

I'm aware that computer time is limited to about 45-50 minutes once or twice a week in most schools. If this is the situation, I've designed the webquest so the children can explore and take their journals back to the classroom to complete their notes. You may even like to print out the final checklist for each day and copy it in order to save on printer ink.

This webquest is meant for an individual student to work through. It may be more efficient for school time if readers with a lower reading level are paired with a higher-level reader; or alternately you may choose to read the pages to them and go through the reading as a class. Later the students can make notes on their own and work through the activities. Below are the approximate times each session will take.

It is an interdisciplinary unit, incorporating reading, writing, drawing, social studies, history, and even a little cooking as a possibility. In addition, I've tried to make as many connections to relevant current events as of the year 2000 as possible that the students may be aware of.

Quest Start. Reading through the Introduction to the webquest. 20-25 minutes.

Reading through the Ultimate task 3-5 minutes.

Looking over the tasks and the ruberic. 10-15 minutes.

Total approximate computer time for the quest start is one hour - 35 minutes- 45 minutes.

Day 1. Reading through Day 1's instructions. 10-15 minutes

Creating the journal and checking their work on the barracks checklist.

25-30 minutes.

Total approximate computer time for day 1 is 35 minutes- 45 minutes.

Materials for Day 1: 4 sheets of white paper for each student, and a few staplers for sharing around the class.

Day 2. Reading through Day 2's instructions and journal preparation. 10-15 minutes

Reading through Day 2's exploration instructions, exploring time. 20-25 minutes.

Peasant children's quiz and checking/printing their work on the barracks checklist.

5-10 minutes.

Taking notes: 30-35 minutes

Total approximate computer time for day 2 is 35 minutes- 50 minutes.

Total approximate extra class time for day 2 is 30 minutes- 35 minutes.

Materials for Day 2: The students will need their journals and a straightedge, and a pencil.

Day 3. Reading through Day 3's instructions and journal preparation. 10-15 minutes

Reading through Day 3's exploration instructions, exploring time. 20-25 minutes.

Squire's quiz 5-10 minutes.

Taking notes: 10-15 minutes

Drawing (the student) projects: 25-30 minutes

Total approximate computer time for day 3 is 35 minutes- 50 minutes.

Total approximate extra class time for day 3 is 35 minutes- 45 minutes.

Materials for Day 3: The students will need their journals, crayons or colored pencils, and a pencil.

Day 4. Reading through Day 4's instructions and journal preparation. 5-10 minutes

Reading through Day 4's exploration instructions, exploring time. 25-30 minutes.

Peasant's quiz 5-10 minutes.

Taking notes: 15-20 minutes

Cooking (the student) projects: 45-60 minutes

Total approximate computer time for day 4 is 35 minutes- 55 minutes.

Total approximate extra class time for day 4 is 15 minutes- 20 minutes, unless you are able to do the cooking project and it would be best to allow an extra hour for that for safety I think.

Materials for Day 4: The students will need their journals and a pencil.

For the cooking project you will need toast (or hard pitas work okay too), two eggs per person, a large mixing bowl, crackers or croutons, a large pot and water, a stove and oven mitts, a boullion cube and a straining spoon.

Day 5. Reading through Day 5's instructions and journal preparation. 10-15 minutes

Reading through Day 5's exploration instructions, exploring time. 20-25 minutes.

Nun's quiz 5-10 minutes.

Taking notes: 10-15 minutes

Group activity (extra): 15-25 minutes

Students are divided in pairs, taking turns playing the role of the knight passing through King One-Click's kingdom. The other partner (the squire) must convince the knight to work for King One-Click and protect the kingdom.

Total approximate computer time for day 5 is 35 minutes- 50 minutes.

Total approximate extra class time for day 5 is 25 minutes- 40 minutes.

Materials for Day 5: The students will need their journals and a pencil.

Day 6. Today's computer time is best divided into two days, or an extra-long computer session because of the fun castle the students will explore today.

Reading through Day 6's instructions and journal preparation. 5-10 minutes

Exploring time. 60 minutes.

Jesters's quiz 5-10 minutes.

Taking notes: 20-25 minutes

Drawing (the student) project: 25-30 minutes

Total approximate computer time for day 6 is 70 minutes- 80 minutes.

Total approximate extra class time for day 6 is 45 minutes- 55 minutes.

Materials for Day 6: The students will need their journals, crayons or colored pencils and a pencil; and printouts or copies of King One-Click's castle.

Day 7 and the Knighting. This is the day the students put together what they've learned. Again, this is a day that will be best divided into two sessions.

Reading through Day 7's instructions. 5-10 minutes

Writing a letter to King One Click, 25-30 minutes (depending on whether you'd like them to do a rough draft which doubles and a bit more on the time.)

Reading the final conclusion of the webquest and filling out the ruberic 25-35 minutes.

Total approximate computer time for day 7 is 30 minutes- 45 minutes.

Total approximate extra class time for day 7 is 25-30 minutes+

Materials for Day 7: The students will need their journals, writing paper, a printout or copy of the ruberic and a pencil.

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