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Photos page seven

Ginger photo works Step one is to clean up your photo.!

We will let you know the price as we work it and will wait for you to give the ok

The money you send us for the service gets divided in three pieces
First to pay for the cost of our part of service
Second to pay fro added help in our services.
And the third part goes to help the area homeless.

My Dream

I have dreamed of buying some land and starting a tent city to be latter replaced when more land is receved to build a state of the art homeless center. to be named after my mother Annie Jane Faykosh Center.

Richard /ginger back ground words added

For $40.00

Richard/ginger back ground edgeing added

For $45.00

Richard & ginger background frame added

For $50.00

Screansavers for $60.00 up ...

Added picture added to the original picture is Extra.. send your pictures and request done and I will send you a cost if you wish not to do the job I will distroy the pictures you sent unles you wish them sent back.. Hope you use our service.