I think that's what we do when we choose our friends.
Is to, *Listen with our Hearts*...
Mine has been right so far, and I've met so many new friends here on the net, I don't know where to begin. I'm going to try and name them all :-)and if I run out of space I'll just have to delete some friends...lol Just Kidding ;-)

I am really thankful for each and every friend I have made, andddddd now I'm going to try to name you all... I'm getting ready to pull the plug if I forget someone :-)

I've met so many friends in Chat and now I've met some new ones while I've been playing scrabble. So where do I begin... I think Chat if I know what's good for me... :-)

*Cute_Cuddly_Teddy*... Yes mate you made it to the top of the list:-)(peta and a couple of others might get me on this....)
Well where do I start... I have known Cute alias Shaz for nearly 2 years now, can't believe how quick the time has gone.We have had some great times in chat and laughed so much. Oh, don't let the name cute fool you, lol .. Cute won't take shit from anyone... and I've seen her in action many a time...Cute...Your my hero..., Just ask Cute anything you want about a car..., gee does she know it all for a woman!!... and she's blonde toooo, she always leaves me wondering what the hell is that!!..lol., they say opposites attract, well thats me and you andddd,thats ok... cause she thinks I'm mad cause I like my Phantom.We have had some great times in chat and I know we will have lots more.Your one of my closest and best friends that I've met on here, You've always been there for me, in good times and bad,
and for this I thankyou... :-)

*Peta_Pan*...Peta was my very first friend on the net.(if you don't count Jools... )She's also been there for me, through all my highs and lows, and we're still friends!!!...lol
Gee Peta, remember the good old days when we were first learning how to use cheetachat.And we would be in a private room for hours teaching each other, ( at least I think that's what we were doing..lol ) Oh, and don't forget those phone calls you made to me when your puter was down, and I would be typing your messages madly for you on this end...( of course no names mentioned here..lmao )But I still remember all the fun and laughs we've had, and I'm so glad we have remained friends.
Stay as sweet as you are Peta :-)

*Joolls05*... Now joolls is the first real friend I met here,She doesnt chat much now, but I remember all the laughs we had together Jools has a fantasic sense of humour, and even if she is married to a kiwi, I still love her...lol By the way, How is 6ft 2...lol She really knew how to get a room going, and I miss her jokes. We did share a lot and hopefully one day she will return to the chat rooms... ( got the hint yet jools )Come back and see me soon Cause I miss you and I'm glad we became friends.

*Bronc_au*...Can remember the first time I met Bronc, he was trying to have a conversation with a woman (how unusual for bronc..!!!)and cute and I were harrasing him, (how unusual for us..!!!) he took it like the good sport he is, and we've been friends ever since. I have to admit, Bronc and I haven't always seen eye to eye (can hear him laughing at that one)but he's been a true friend, even showed me a few things :-) It's ok bronc, won't kiss and tell...lol. He's always there when you need help too, just ask for an avatar to be made, or anything else, and it's Bronc to the rescue, cause that's just the way he is, always willing to help out, (in more ways than one :-)haha. Bronc is your typical aussie male, well maybe not typical..*S* but he's all aussie (with some pommy thown in ;-) and a great friend
Stay as cool as you are Bronc :-)

*Chez_42*...Chez and I go way back too, and I've also met Chez, she was actually the first I ever met. Can remember meeting her and wondering if we would get on in real life as we do on here, well of course we hit it off, she was as nice off screen as she is on, and we have remained friends. Sometimes we might not talk for ages, cause Chez doesn't come into chat as much as she used to,( well better than saying I'm slack, chez...lol) but we know we are always there for each other. She's also been there through my highs and lows, a real fun person, an ear to always listen to you, and a very caring person.
Chez friends like you are hard to find, so glad I found you :-)

*Hgthehack_1*...Well better mention one of my yank friends before I'm in trouble..lol. Can definetly remember meeting this lady (did I say lady:-), She bounced into the room as she always does,asking anyone if they knew how to use cheetachat, how I could I resist not helping out such a fun loving person. I started helping her that night and many after it, now I think about it...lol. We've had so many laughs together, Chrissy (or better known as *Hack*) will tell it like it is too, you just have to be there in chat whens she's doing it, with her wacky sense of humour and love for a laugh she's a real dag..(aussies will understand that:-)Or as bronc keeps telling her she's a real blonde..lol. Chrissy and I have talked on the phone before, and she's just the same as on screen, she really keeps you laughing. She comes from the sunny state of Florida and that sunny side is always showing in her nature.
As she always says to me... *Your the bomb*...
Well mate.. I think *Your the bomb* and one I'm lucky to have for a friend :-)

*Edwiant*...Across the water again and this time in England. Gee have known Ed forever too, well seems like it Ed...lol, but we have been talking as nearly as long as I've been on the net, another lucky find in my search for friends :-).Ed is a real character too, she always has you laughing in chat, she's got a quick wit and a real loveable nature. Ed is deaf, and from what she has told me, it's never stopped her from doing anything she's wanted to do, think thats why she types quicker than most of us, and if you dont keep up, watch out.. she'll be asking you the question again...lol, and of course I made the mistake like everyone else thinking Ed was a guy when we first started chatting...lol, with a name like that who wouldn't:-).she didn't take long to sort me out, and with her warped sense of humour (she knows what I mean)we have remained good friends, No... make the Great friends...
and as I always say... Love ya Ed :-)


Now here is a great bunch of people... although I didn't think that when I first came across them all...lol. My first thoughts were, what a pack of snobs...yeah yeah..I know you lot are laughing at that one.:P, They all had this great friendship between them and somehow I didn't feel like I was making any progress in getting into that friendship... but you know what they say... just stalk someone till they become your friend..lol. I would pop into say hi to peta and they would all be getting on so well, funny how you make opinions of people and don't even know them.. ok.. sorry guys, I take it all back :-)
But as each night passed I got to know each one individually,(boy could I start some rumours now...lol just kidding guys), I've been lucky enough to meet Julee, Aussie, Jas, Lady, Mattie and Cath in person and yes, they were just as fun as talking to them in chat, *Julee* loves to chat and have a laugh, she's got that great aussie sense of humour, don't ever loose it julee :-)and her blonde moments sure do give you a laugh ..lol. *Aussie* now this was a man of few words when I first met him...lol, yep, he would be upstairs watching and jump in just at the right moment..lol, of course there was another reason why he spent so much time up in the loft, wasn't there julee ;-) you have to love his sense of humour too, no wonder he and a certain lady get on so well :-)*Jas* now this lady spends a lot of time upstairs, ya got love the way Jas gives you a greeting half an hour late :-)but when she joins us in the room you sure know she's there, with her bubbly personalilty who could miss her ;-)(just don't stomp one of her songs..lol) *Lady* love this girls dry sense of humour, just when you least expect it she'll throw a comment in that will have us all laughing, I had the good fortune of meeting one cool irishman cause of Lady, sadly he passed away, but his humour will live on in the hearts of Lady and I, and everyone else that knew him, couldn't forget that spelling could we Lady...lol. *Kass* here's another true blonde (sorry kass had to say it ..lol) Kass is a real lady, but still amazes me with some of the things she will come up with on the screen...lol, love the way she amazes hood at times too :-) *Hoodaki* Now here was a quiet man...lol, did I say that, but I did say *Was* ;-)took awhile to get to know Hood, but once he came out of his shell (yeah Im laughing at that too) he's been a really good friend, ya just have to love the way hood thinks the male race is soooo supreme...lmao, but that's ok, won't destroy the mans delusions...lol,and Hood will always be there to help a Lady in distress, but whatever you do, don't get him confused with an american, right Hood...lol *Cathandi* Cath is another one I thought was shy,...lol, well she is in some ways!!!, but once I got to know she was a lot of fun, she's got a quick wit, and another who surprised me with some of the things she would say, just ask Cath to take you on one of her famous tours of the rooms, (its ok Cath I won't tell all ;-), Cath and I became really close and we have shared a lot of laughs in chat, *MysticLyn* Now what can I say about you my friend, well alot actually, BUT I'm not insured against defamation of character.. :-), Lyn is one lady I know who will sure say what she thinks (omg did I just call her a lady..lol) Lyn would have the quickest wit I know of anyone on here, and you don't know what your missing if you haven't seen her in action, have seen many run away from her...lol, but seen so many wanting to get to know this real fun lady too:-)ok ok.. make that woman *smiles* Lyn..lol, *Pickles* I'm laughing here pick..was just thinking I will be in trouble again cause your not at the top...lol, but your not last either mate ;-), and far from it, actually I think they are bringing out a new dictionary, just so we can work out what pick is typing...lol, I know she can spell, it's her typing that's a worry..lol, it's ok pick we know peta really taught you how to type..lol, pick will float from room to room, but when she's with us, she's lots of fun:-) *Matilda* or mattie as she is known to her friends :-) (ok it's the way I spell it anyway..lol), mattie is another one with that quick wit, and the way she says things, don't know how she does it with a straight face, but I know she does..lol, mattie and I have shared a few funny pm's, (well gee we can't talk about people on the screen can we...lol), really glad I got to know mattie :-)*Rollingstone* or rolley or stone, lol, he has a few names;-) now he's another quiet one, spends a lot of time upstairs too :-) gee peta, any Idea what he's doing ;-) he does join us on occassions...lol and I nearly got to meet him in person too, but alas I was sick and couldnt go, so how hard did you pray rolley...lol, but really you've been fun to have as a friend and thanks for the laughs, *Heith* wow, think heith had to have been the quietest one of all, was ages before we really got talking, and Im laughing here now heith, can remember when we got talking, yep I pm'd the guy for a joke cause he seemed to be following me from room to room, so I asked him if he was stalking...lol, and that was the beginning of our friendship, Heith calls me pretty green eyes, but its ok, I heard his medication is working now :-)...lol, he is always traveling around the rooms in chat, but being the gentlemen he is, he always stops to say hello.

There is so much more I could've said about this lot, (but trying not to write a book here!!)but seriously, each one of them have given me a special part of themselves in some way, each has there own unique personality, but most of all, they have all given me that special bond of friendship. I think I'm really lucky to have met such a great bunch of Aussies, don't any of you ever change (well maybe I could list somethings ...lol) just teasing guys
Loves ya all :-)


Now do I do a good suck up job here with these guys, or tell it like it is, nuhhhh tell it like it is...lol I'm always in trouble with them anyway :-)
Now one of these guys is the Loft King, the other is King of the loft...lol , they know who they are;-)
My dear *Dorm*, where do I begin, think I've known Dorm as long as I've known that mad aussie bunch, of course, that's how I met him, he would just glide into the room and hit us all with that great sense of humour thats his alone, Dorm and I hit it off straight away,(who could resist this angel, right dor;-)...lol I just loved this guys quick wit and fun ways. Yep, if Dorm is in the room there is no shortage on laughs and fun, and mischief, haha.. that has to be his middle name!!! If your ever in a room with him and your female, be prepared for his famous question *How about a shag?*, lol... Yep, he will be waiting up in the loft for the next unsuspecting victim... haha...you really gotta love this guy, or am I just being biased ;-)

*Gaz* or as he is known around the chat rooms *The Loft King* :-) lol... well its true Gaz, would this angel lie..lol, I've met gaz in person too, gee was even lucky enough to play laptops with him...lol. should we tell them Gaz...nuhhhh ;-) But on a serious note... yeah right me serious, Gaz is just a fun guy, and another with a great sense of humour, when he comes downstairs and graces us with his presence he puts some great one liners up on the screen, and you can count on him doing that too...lol and do the americans love our Gaz's aussie accent , he just loves to get into voice and get the girls going, ha ha, and I can always be assured of at least one goodnight kiss, can't I *You*... Oopps.. did I just kiss and tell;-) haha...
Catch ya in chat mate ;-)

*Sungirlrt66* Meet my American twin, it's ok guys there really isn't 2 of me..:-) (could hear everyone sigh then lol) Have known Debbie almost as long as I've been on the net also, and no wonder we hit it off, cause we share the same birthday :-) see told you we were twins...lol, She doesn't come into chat as much as she used to, and I miss seeing her in there, she's always been lots of fun and loves to have a laugh when she's in there. Have talked to Deb on the phone too, and being the thoughtful person she is, she's sent me some lovely gifts, Laughing here now Deb, I'm thinking of the Devils horns you sent me a couple of halloweens ago, yeppppp think they are defintely more me than my wings.. haha (no comments please..lol)We have shared so much Deb, and I really value our friendship, Your a special lady Deb and a very dear friend :-)


*Again_and_Again* She's already told me off cause her name wasn't here..lol, and that's the Again I know. Gee I did say the page was still under construction :-) You should know I would never forget you my dear friend, god knows I've tried..lol ( just kidding you know I think the world of you )Again would come and talk to Hack and I'd see her in the other rooms too, wasn't quite sure of her when we first met...lol, yeah I'm smiling here too Again, but once I got to know this wild crazy woman, I found a friend that had a heart of gold and the funniest sense of humour, and is she quick with those one liners on the screen too...lol Yep seen her scare many ;-)and make them run from a room...lol,you have to be there to see it. And for those that don't return will never know what a great friendship they have missed out on. Love ya mate :-)and I miss you telling me to get my butt into bed tooooo :-)
*Fanfliermama* Robin or Fan as we call her, is Hacks sister, and she's got that bubbly personality just like her sister, try having a conversation with Fan on the screen, it's too funny, think she types 10 sentences to my one...lol, I've had the pleasure of speaking to Fan on the phone too, lol and yeah... she talks just as quick as she types... I really love ya accent Rob ;-), cause we know I don't have one..lol You've been a special friend to Rob, never change mate, cause I love ya :-)
*Blue_Satin_Wolf* I met Blue through Hack and Fan, she's such a quiet person, she'll sit in a room and watch us, and then out of the blue.. lol must be her name, she'll be appear on the screen with somthing really funny. Blue and I often talk about trading places, cause she gets lots of snow where she is, and I want a white christmas, Maybe one day we can trade, hey Blue...lol and I love the pics she's sent me of the snow and her gorgeous daughter Missy was building a snowman in the backyard ( now I'm really jealous )... Blue your a real sweet Lady, and I'm lucky to have met you too. oh yeah and don't forget the Hugssssssssss Matey..lol... Blue knows what I mean there :-)


*Bella* I've known Bella for awhile now, she would float through the rooms,stop in and say hi, then she would be silent for awhile :-) Well Bella I've got to know you really well and now I know why your so quiet in a room, haha...and all that time I just thought you were watching ;-) Bella has a fun sense of humour and you have to love the way she asks something so innocently...yeah right Bella, like we think your that innocent...lol, When she does float down..haha.. she is a lot of fun and I'm glad I've got to know her as a friend, than more than a name in a room...hugsss Bella
*Kgsawitch* Kg is another aussie I've got to know, was even lucky enough to meet her last year, She's always fun in the rooms, and she was even funnier in person. You still got those witches accessories you brought with you to the chat night Kg..lol, thanks for your friendship mate :-)
*Krysdelight* Here's one wacky lady, lol, take that back,Lady!!! I don't think so...lol but a real funny woman. Now she can put some great oneliners on the screen, and will have everyone in the room laughing at the things she gets up to, Krys and I have shared some real funny pm's, it's ok Krys I don't tell all here...lol, I think we get on so well cause we're both crazy (know she would agree on this) Krys you've shared a lot with me and I with you, (as she thinks what!!! lol ) but she knows what I mean, and come back to the rooms soon mate, cause I do miss you :-)
*Mulviwot* Mul and I got talking one night and found we both came from Melbourne, and so another friendship began, she's another fun lady in chat, she sometimes gets a little lost on the conversation, lol, but that's Mul for ya...I aslo had the pleasure of meeting Mul too, now that was a funny night. We planned to meet in at the casino, we had exchanged pics and phone numbers (we took our mobiles with us)anywayyyy, where Mul had planned to meet me was different to where I thought, and the casino being as big as it is.. welllll, Mul started panicing, cause she couldn't find me and had forgotten to take my number with her, she rang my mum, got the phone number, then rang my mobile (I of course was sitting at a machine lol),so we said, just keep talking to each other and we would guide ourselves till we met up, was so funny, in the distance I could see this woman on a mobile, looking around making sure she was heading the right way, I kept guiding her till she was right beside me and still talking on the phone. I suppose it was one of those situations that you had to be there, but it was so funny, of course it ended up all well and Mul and I had a lot of fun that night, thanks for your friendship Mul :-)

This page is still under construction .. god only knows when I'll get it finished :-) So if you don't see your name here yet... Please be patient :-)

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