~*~Behind the Facades~*~

They met.
They Faught.
He Left Her.
She Missed Him.
He Came Back.



~*~Coffee Can Wait~*~

~*~Forgotten it All~*~

~*~Lost Boy~*~

~*~A Real Smile~*~

~*~Army Boy~*~

~*~James Dean~*~

~*~My Mary~*~

~*~Help Me~*~

~*~A Cute Hotty~*~

~*~Drolled On~*~

~*~Must Be a Gilmore Thing~*~

~*~I Don't Roll In My Sleep~*~

~*~Spawn of Mine~*~


If you have a picture that is of both Tristan and Rory, and I can use it, PLEASE let me know!!!! Though I do like this picture alot!!!!
