"Yes I'll be fine, I have junk food, since you are taking away my only other food choice, and I have a bunch of movies that will not remind me of Jess." Rory was dressed in blue boxer shorts and little white tank top, and was sitting on the couch prepared for a very lonely movie night.
"Ok Luke and I will be back sometime, but don't worry if we are late. I plan to make him watch all three showings of Gone with the Wind." Lorelai did a little evil laugh and started to open the door.
"Have fun and don't destroy Luke to much, since I will be demanding him to cook me food tomorrow morning."
"Call me if you need anything." And with that Lorelai left her only daughter with a sigh.
"Ok now what am I to do. It's the night of prom, my senior prom. The night that should be spent with my boyfriend and closest friends, the night I should always remember. I should have just gone, who cares if I was by myself, I would have had fun. Sure Paris would be with Jamie, and Louise and Madeline with whoever looked best with their shoes. But I could of found away to have fun. And if all else failed I would have look gorgeous and would have had a reason to wear a beautiful dress." Rory realized she needed a breath from all her ranting. "And now I am talking to myself a direct sign of turning into my mother. And who am I kidding there is no way I will be able to concentrate on watching a movie, I want to dance."
With this said out loud Rory stands up and started to waltz around the room. She was so involved in her dance and her make shift escort of a pillow, she didn't hear the knock on her door or the doorbell. When she heard a noise of somebody clearing their throat she looked up and saw somebody standing in the doorway. At first she didn't recognize him in the shadows but when he moved more into the light she was shocked.
"What are you doing here?"