Chapter Fourteen

The Mission: Flashback

The Blackbird landed smoothly in the deserted forest area surrounding the warehouse that was considered their target. No activity, watch guards or cameras could be seen. The small team consisted of Cyclopes, Jean, Storm, Rogue, Iceman, and Jubilee, all well trained and ready for anything that could be waiting for them. Kitty had just found out that she was pregnant and wisely choose to decline all X-men missions for a time yet to be determined. The Professor and Scott decided since the warehouse had been abandoned for the last few days a small team would be sufficient for the mission. The other X-men were left to watch the children at the mansion, and be prepared for any other emergencies that may arise.

“Jean can you detect anyone?” Cyclopes asked as the group got ready to leave the plane.

Jean had a better since of control on her powers, now that she had gained access to her full potential and became one with the Phoenix within her. But something as simple as scouting the area for life forms could trick her up if she was not careful. She placed her fingers on her temples and went inside her mind and the minds of others in the designated area. “It seems that the professor was right. All the guards have left the area, but there are some fellow mutants caged inside.”

“Still alive?” Storm asked.

“Yes it seems they have only been left two days ago, but before that they were feed and given water, so they are holding their own now.”

“Can you tell if they are strong enough to leave on their own feet?” Cyclopes asked as the group stood by the door waiting for their exact assignments.

“They should be able too, if they don’t have to run or move that quickly.”

“Alright, Jubilee you will open the cages, Rogue you will be beside her to help her move the mutants out. Jean and Storm you keep an eye the parameter, while Iceman and I look around for any files that may lead to where they moved their operations too.”

All of the X-men nodded, understanding their assignments, and left the plane with caution. They have all been on missions lately that did not go according to plan. There is only so much Jean and the Professor can figure out, and with more and more people finding ways to block the telepaths from their brain waves, there are more and more variables to consider during the X-men’s missions. Thankfully the entire team was well trained and practiced daily in the Danger Room to be prepared for all different types of situations that could arise during missions.

Storm and Jean took to the air right away, looking for any strangling camera’s and guards. Cyclopes and Iceman lead the way, while Rogue and Jubilee watched behind them. Rogue was learning how to use the different powers she had obtained over the years, and could easily hear and sense if they were being watched or followed. Her senses were not nearly as good as the Wolverine’s, but enough to give them some warning if they were to be attacked from behind. Cyclopes was forced to blast the door open, this gave away any surprise element they had, but a necessary factor since the door was surprising locked. Cyclopes motioned for the two women to head to the cages that were located off to the far side of the building and for Iceman to start looking around in the opposite direction.

As the two approached the cages they could see three late teen-aged mutants in on cage, sitting together off in corner, not sure if they should trust their rescuers or not. While in the other cage was a small child crying and curled up in hopes of hiding or protecting herself from the intruders. Jubilee went straight to the teenagers’ cage in hopes of them being able to help them if danger should present itself. It was tricky to open the cages with her electric power and took sometime, but was entirely due able. As Rogue stood by Jubilee’s side waiting for her to work her magic, she kept her eye on Iceman, Cyclopes and the rest of the abandoned warehouse, looking for any danger that might be present.

^‘Listen to the crying.’^ Rogue looked over at the small child that was still crying. ^‘She’s too young to be caged.’^

‘Where are these thought’s coming from?’

^‘She is so young, younger than I was.’^


^‘I can protect her from this world. She shouldn’t have to witness a world that is this cruel. Just because I had to find out how hard the world can be, does not mean she has too.’^

‘Why am I thinking this?’

^‘I can open the cage and protect her.’^ Before Rogue realized what she was doing, she was in front of the other cage’s door.

“Rogue?” Jubilee said questioning her friend’s movement to the other cage.

“I can do it.” Rogue said not knowing where her words were coming from. She was focusing on the time Erik transferred his powers to her, and what it felt like to be in control of metal. She learned that if she focused on the feeling of controlling other’s powers instead of what caused her to obtain the power she could again use the power and have control over it. The metallic feeling came over her and she raised her hand over the lock. Suddenly there was a sharp poke on her arm. She paused slightly and looked at her wrist.

^‘It’s nothing, just a bug or something. Get the girl.’^ Seeing nothing there she ignored the feeling and continued to use Erik’s power to open the cage. ^‘She’s so small and young I can protect and care for her. She can be my child.’^ These thoughts seemed foreign in Rogue’s mind, but she could not ignore them.

Rogue approached the child cautiously, and bent down to her level before gently stroking the child’s hair and talking to her quietly. “Sugar, it’s alright. I won’t hurt you.”

“I’m scarred.”

“Of us?” The small child shook her head in an affirmative gesture. “Don’t worry sunshine we are the good-guys.”

^‘Invited her to the mansion, into you life.’^

“Do you want to come home with me?”

“Will you be nice to me?”

“Yes. I live at school were you can learn and play with other children like you.”

“You promise to stay with me?”

“I promise. My name is Rogue.” Rogue said while taking the child into her arms and carrying her out the cage. “What is your name?”

“I don’t know.”

^‘Ella, she looks like an Ella.’^

“How do you like the name Ella?”

“It sounds pretty.”

“Ella is a very pretty name, for a very pretty girl.” Rogue, carried the small child over to where Jubilee was waiting with the other formerly caged mutants. She was busy explaining that they could either come to the school or go back to their regular lives. They all decided to come to the school.

Cyclopes and Iceman completed their searching, and came up with a few files but nothing worth continuing their search. The group left the warehouse, Cyclopes again leading, Jubilee following with the new mutants, Rogue caring Ella, and Iceman watching their backs. As the Blackbird came into sight, Jean and Storm landed saying that the parameter was as deserted as the warehouse was.


After arriving back at the mansion, Ella went with Jubilee to go visit with Kitty. Kitty’s due date was approaching and she had been unwillingly placed on bed rest. As the two girls went off to the upper levels of the mansion, Scott, Jean and Logan headed for the lower levels and too Rogue. Logan had kept a closed mouth on what Mystique had told him, because he felt that Rogue had the right to know the information first. Scott and Jean respected his choice but were going to be present for the explanation.

As they approached her room, they noticed that Rogue’s door was opened and that the Professor was sitting with her. The sick woman was asleep, while the professor sat on the side of her bed gently holding her gloved hand in his gloved hand.

“She’s been resting for sometime. I am glad that you made the right decision Logan.” The professor said all knowingly.

Logan nodded in the direction of the professor while walking over to the other side of Rogue’s bed. He gently brushed the white strikes onto her face and kissed her gently, using them as veil. “Darlin’ wake up, I have some good news.’ Logan whispered this so gently and lovely, the he surprised those present by his manor.

“I can have chocolate?” Rogue asked quietly, not quite awake enough to open her eyes.

Logan smiled, though he tried to hide it from their audience. “No baby, it’s better than that.” Rogue slowly opened her eyes, she did not register the extra people in the room, just the fact that Logan was by her side. “I know how to make you feel better.” Rogue opened her month to ask a question, but Logan stopped her by gently placing a finger on her lips. “It is going to take some energy so listen first, and then we will come up with the best way to go about getting you healthy again.” Logan motioned to the others in the room. Rogue looked around and nodded in recognition at the three extra people in her room. She also nodded at Logan, giving him the okay to continue. “I want to explain this all at once, no interruptions.” He got the okay from Scott, Jean, and the Professor

“Ella is Mystique’s niece and she had put her in the cage for Rogue to find. She wanted Ella to be looked after, not as a mutant student, but as a daughter. An acquaintance helped Mystique by placing thoughts into Rogue’s head that convinced her to open the cage and connect to the small child. When you used Erik’s mutation to open the door, you unknowingly pulled a small ‘bug’ into your blood stream.” Sensing that Jean was ready to protest, he glared at her and she shut her mouth. “The bug was able to camouflage with your natural iron counts, and therefore was not detected in any tests. It was also designed not to harm you beyond weakening you.”

“How did you stop yourself from gutting her?” Rogue asked quietly with a look of contempt on her face.

Logan knew what Marie really wanted was go gut the blue bitch herself, but knew that Logan would probably be more successful. He smiled down at her and responded, “Ella was present, Darlin’, otherwise I would have.” She nodded in understanding, but refrained from saying anymore. “Mystique said that the bug will leave your body the same way it entered. But to me that seems a bit tricky, since now you are so much weaker than when it entered you.” Logan finished his statement with first looking at Rogue then over to Jean, Scott and the Professor.

“This is a rather odd situation. Jean any thought?” The professor asked his student and friend.

“The bug entered with the magnetic pull and dug right into her arm. But for it to leave her blood stream, it also will have to have some way of leaving her body.”

“Is it possible for her to pull it right out threw her skin?” Scott said not afraid to state the obvious.

“If I had Erik’s full power I could, even if I had full strength I might be able to with practice, but I am just too weak and not trained enough with the power to attempt to pull out this bug straight thru layers of skin and muscle.” Rogue said quietly from her bed.

“Rogue is correct. Erik has had time to practice and use his mutations, Mystique may not have realized what comes naturally to her Erik, Rogue may never accomplish with what little powers she still retains from him.” The professor said logically. “Rogue do you feel like you can manage some magnetic powers?”

“Without knowing what the bug looks it may take a while to figure out the right mind set. Usually when I am working with a foreign power I can see what I am trying to accomplish and it is easier to stay focused.”

“If she has the power to attract this bug to a certain vain in her body, then we can cut open that one vain and remove it, without pulling it thru closed flesh.” Jean said stating what the professor was trying to get too.

“But that would mean Rogue would have an open wound, and with her already weaken condition she could get worse.” Logan said taking Rogue’s hand into his own. “I don’t like that idea.”

“There really is no other way.” The professor said.

“I don’t want her getting any more sick, Chuck. Think of another way.” Logan said in an angry growl.

“Logan, no one wants Rogue to get worse, but she is simple not strong enough to pull out the bug herself. It will be just a small opening, that I can stitch closed right away.” Jean said calmly.

Logan was about to argue more, but Rogue squeezed his hand in order to silence him. “I will be ready in the morning. Professor if you would come to help focus my mind, and Jean we can figure out the vain tomorrow. Scott thank you for all of your help. Now if you would please leave me alone with Logan, there are a few things we need to discuss.” The three friends left the two lovers to their “discussion” with nodes of agreement.

“You didn’t need to ask them to leave.”

“Yes I did, because they do not need to hear us arguing!”

“We are not going to be arguing. I will not let them cut you open.” Logan said forcefully, showing is own personal fears of doctors, surgery tables, and knives that are not extendages of his arms.

Rogue took a deep breath and gently kissed Logan’s gloved hand. “Logan, sugar, it will need to be done. Jean will be careful to only cut a small spot, and will probably try to control the blood flow herself. You heard them, it is the only way.” She said all this quietly and gently, in hopes of calming the wolverine in him.

“What if something goes wrong?” Logan said gently with a small amount of worry and fear in his voice.

Rogue sighed. “I don’t know.” She said honestly looking him in the eyes. She could see his question before he asked, but did not stop him.

“Marie, let me be here. I can close up the cut and then you can start gaining your strength faster.” Seeing that she was going to deny him, this one thing, he quickly continued. “I will only step in if there is a problem, and Jean can not stop the blood in order to stitch the vein close. I promise I will not hold on any longer than it takes to start the healing.” He gave her the best puppy dog look he possessed.

Rogue sighed again, and thought for a few seconds. “You will have to stay outside, because the minute she starts cutting the wolverine will come out and you will attack her.”

Logan smiled. “That’s probably true.”

“Will you be able to handle sitting and waiting, not knowing if I need you or not.”

“Darlin’ you already need me, you just refuse to allow me to help you more than is extremely needed.” Logan said with a small smirk. His smirk was short lived, and a frown reappeared on his face. “No matter where I am tomorrow morning I will be worrying about you. It is Sunday so I don’t have classes, and Jubilee already agreed to keep Ella for the night. Let me help you,” Marie started to argue but Logan stopped her by placing a finger on her lips, “If Jean thinks it best. I promised you I would not let you absorb my healing factor, unless it was an emergency, and I do not plan on breaking that promise. But I do plan on being close by incase there is an emergency.”

Marie nodded in understanding and agreement. “I just know you will hate being out in the hallway not knowing what is happening. And I don’t like it when you are upset.”

“I won’t be upset Marie.” Logan said kissing her covered forehead. “Worried, yes, but not upset. I just want to see you upstairs playing with our little girl, and smiling again.” He said once again showing his softer side to his lover.

“I know, and I want that too.”

“Then it’s settled, tomorrow morning I will be sitting outside that door, while the docs and you get this bug out of you.” Logan said determinately. Marie laughed softly at his direct statement. “What?”

“Nothing,” Logan just stared at her, but she kept laughing. “It’s just not ten minutes ago you were the one against the procedure tomorrow morning, and now you make it seem like it was your idea.” Marie’s laughs quieted, but she was still smiling.

Logan glared at her, but she knew that he did not really mean it. He refrained from commenting on her giggles. He pulled her into his arms as he sat down on her bed with her. He was careful not to touch her limited exposed skin while he just held her. Soon he heard her breathing calm down and start lulling into a sleeping pattern.

“Sugar, I want you to be there.” She said quietly before falling asleep.

Logan stayed with her for over an hour, just holding her and trying to transfer as much of his strength to her, without touching her. He knew what tomorrow meant, he just hoped that Mystique did not lie to him. And if she did, she would be died before sunset. When he finally left his sleeping lover, he gently and briefly kissed her soft lips, and told her that he loved her no matter what, and left her sleeping in the cold and metallic hospital bay.

The next morning Logan knew that he had to find away to know what was taking place in Marie’s room. He already knew that his hearing was not strong enough to hear through the thick doors. And that Kitty was not available to sneak through the walls. Not to mention Kurt, who was just too noisy to have popping in and out of the Marie’s room. His options were pretty narrow, but he still had one if he could find her.

He finally did find her leaning against the stairway railing, as if she were waiting for him.

“Good morning Mr. Logan.” Claire said in her soft mousy voice. “Can I help you? You seem to be wondering the halls as if you lost something.” She had a smile on her face, as if she could read his thoughts.

“Do you have more abilities than just hearing?” Logan asked while raising one of his eyebrows at her.

“None that I am willing to share and make public knowledge.” She said to him with a small smile. She started to walk towards the hidden elevator. “The professor just went down, and Jean has been down there for a few hours already.”

“You know you don’t have to do this.” Logan said as he followed her into the elevator.

“I know, but as I told you before Ms. Rogue is needed here.” Logan looked at her as if asking her to explain. “She is more than just a teacher, she cares, not to mention helped bring over half of us here. It was her that found me in an ally, searching for food, and told me that Professor Xavier had a home for me to go to. And it was her that taught me to understand that my mutation is not a course. After hearing everything that she went through to get to where she is today, your life seems so small and easy.” Logan placed his hand on the small girl’s shoulder as the elevator doors opened. He led her down the hallway to where Marie’s room was. “Ms. Rogue is needed here, and we all love her. It’s not the same with her so sick. She doesn’t deserve to be this sick.” Logan could tell that was all Claire would share with him, but was glad that she shared that much with him.

“I need to go see her before they start, but I will be right back.” Logan said while showing her to one of the two chairs sitting out side of Marie’s room. “And Claire, thank you for explaining and coming down here with me.” Claire nodded as she watched her teacher go in to her other teacher’s sick room.

“Good Morning Darlin’, Chuck, Red,” Logan said as he enter the room.

“Logan everything is ready, and we will begin shortly.” Jean said from a side table she stood by.

“Alright.” Logan walked over to Marie, took her hand and kissed her forehead. “You can do this baby, just remember I will be outside if you need me.” He said quietly for only her ears.

“I know. I love you Logan.” She said while squeezing his hand.

“I love you.” He said back to her, as he too squeezed her hand. He left her side and started to head out the doors. “Take care of her Jean.” He said while nodding to the Professor and Jean.

Logan sat in the chair next to Claire and began his wait.

“What is Ella, up to this morning?”

“She is with Jubilee, I didn’t want to get her hopes up incase this fails.” Logan said as he placed his head in his hands.

“It’s quiet in there they must be trying to get her to focus.” Claire said as she looked at the door.

“How much of what is going on do you know?” Logan said not shocked enough to raise his head. After all they were in mansion filled with mutants, conversations being overheard and spread around was a common occurrence. It was one of the reasons he wanted to live away from the mansion, if only to get away from the walls that have ears.

“Not a lot, I know about the meeting with Mystique, but as for the conversation you all had last night down here, well the walls are pretty thick so I wasn’t apply to hear it, but I heard you talking to Jubilee last night, and figured you might need an extra ear down here.” Claire said while smirking at him. For a sixteen year old girl that was normally pretty shy she was being kind of sassy to him.

“You remind me of Rogue when I first met her. At first she was quiet and then she was all sass.” Logan said while briefly taking his head out of hands.

“Ms. Rogue told me the same thing. That she was really shy when she first started out, not knowing who to trust, but after she met you she knew that she had one person to trust and that was enough to get her out of her shell.” Claire stopped her explanation of her time spent with Rogue and turned her eyes back to the door. “Rogue is saying that she found the bug and it is traveling to her arm. Jean told her that she needed to get it to the something vain. It’s there now and Jean must be cutting her arm. Rogue doesn’t say a word. Jean is trying to get Rogue to pull out the bug a little more. But Rogue is getting weak and can’t gather enough strength to pull out the bug. I think Jean is contacting the professor. Wait, ugh, she just…”

“What!?” Logan said hanging on Claire’s every word.

“I think she growled.” Logan smirked and smiled at this, and some of the tension in him left suddenly. “The professor laughed, so she must have, because it wasn’t a scream. Now Jean is laughing too, and there was a very soft bing noise as if she dropped something in a metal bowl. The professor is whispering softly to Rogue, but she’s not responding. And Jean is busy doing some sort of swift movements.” Logan nodded and smiled at the small girl next to him.

Before they had time to react the professor was standing in front of them. “As you know everything went smoothly.” He said nodding to the two figures before him. “Claire I am glad to see you, we must talk about controlling you powers more. Though I was under the impression that you had control over you hearing, I see I must have been mistaken.”

Logan looked over at the girl and saw her blushing, giving away to the fact that she did indeed have control over her hearing skills. Not sure how you can control what you are capable of hearing Logan just chuckled. “She did not mention that fact.”

“It’s difficult, but a blessing since hearing everything kept me up all night, and I could not hear myself think most of the time.” Claire said while blushing.

“Why don’t you go back to your friends? It is Sunday, meaning you are missing French toast for breakfast.” Claire nodded her head and started heading up towards the elevator.

“Thanks again Claire.” Logan said to her.

“Your welcome, Mr. Logan.”

“It’s just Logan, kid.” He said with a small smirk. As she entered the elevator she winked at him, telling him that she knew what he proffered to be called. “Now Chuck, how’s my girl?”

“Sleeping at the moment, it took a lot of strength to get through to Erik’s powers. But she did it, and now is free from the alien bug and hopefully will start regaining her strength. Jean is just finishing her charts and record work that needs to completely immediately. She will have to remain in observation for awhile, but I’m sure the doctors will release her into your care as soon as they feel she is strong enough.” Logan nodded in understanding, but refrained from commenting knowing the professor had more to say. “She is a strong woman, and with your help she will overcome this in time with great success. Now as for you using student’s mutations to aid your own personal gain, that is not acceptable as a teacher. However, seeing as it is a Sunday and did not take way from the student’s education, and you did not use the fact that you are her teacher to gain her aid, I will not take any actions against you this time.” Logan nodded again in understanding, and watched as the professor started to roll away from him. “I believe Jean is done, and you may go sit with Rogue now.”

“Thank you Charles.” Logan said to the man wheeling away from him. He entered the room and went straight to the chair that was placed beside Marie’s bed for him to sit in. He took the hand that was on the unstitched arm, and just held it, hoping that she could feel his presence as she slept.

“Logan, everything went smoothly. As you can see her one arm is stitched. I only had to put in ten stitches, and the bleeding was minimal. Rogue is in a very deep sleep, but it is a healing sleep, so hopefully she will wakeup feeling better than she has the last couple of months.” Jean told him as she prepared to leave the room.

“Thanks Jean, for everything.” Logan said as he glanced at her before she left.

“Your Welcome Logan, I just want her to get better.” The red headed doctor left the two lovers, one sleeping and one praying.


The next two weeks found Marie regain her strength. It was slow going, because even though she felt better mentally, regaining her physical strength took time. Logan worked with Hank and Jean to help with her physical therapy, as well as continuing his classes and of course taking care of Ella. Rogue was frustrated beyond belief, but when she could again control her mutation she was relieved and excited to finally see improvement in her physical and mental state of being.

Logan knew that she was tired of spending so much time recovering but understood that it was best to take this slow in order to make sure she was fully recovered.

“I want to go home Logan.” She said to him one day after they spent some time lifting small weights in the x-men gym, as part of her physical therapy.

“You never left darlin’.” Logan said with a small smile.

Marie glared at him. “You know what I mean.” She said as she stood from her wheel chair and laid down on her hospital bed. Logan nodded as he placed the covers over her tired body. Over the last fourteen days she had gained five pounds. Not a lot but a good amount considering all of the physical activity she is also doing. Not to mention she can walk most of the time by herself, as well as stay awake for longer periods of time. “Tell Hank I won’t do any more recovering until I can sleep in my own bed.” She said with a sleepy smile.

“Baby, I can ask, but I will follow his orders.” Logan said continuing to tuck her in. He knew if it was him, he would want to be out of the med lab too, and if this was not so serious then he probably would have taken her upstairs. But this was still touchy ground and he knew that Hank and Jean would not be keeping her down in the med lab unless they thought it was necessary.

“Whatever, sugar. I want to sleep with you again.” She said this so quietly that Logan knew she was already asleep.

He smiled down at her and kissed her forehead before leaving to go talk to Hank. He was a bit reluctant, but upon Logan agreeing to continue encouraging her to take things slow and helping out in her recovering process, the big blue doctor agreed to allow her to return to her upstairs bed room.

Logan thanked the doctor and went upstairs to prepare Ella and the rooms for Marie’s return.

Ella who had just gotten out of soccer practice was excited to see Logan waiting for her when she finished practice that she ran into his arms and hugged him. Logan told his daughter all of the good news he had about her mother getting better, and couldn’t wait to tell Ella that Marie would be returning upstairs.

“How was mommy today?” She asked her father as he carried her back into the mansion.

“She wants to see you, sunshine, and Doctor Hank said that she can come home tomorrow.” He told her as he dropped her down in a chair in the kitchen. “That means that we will have to clean up the rooms when we get back up stairs.”

“Will mommy be all better?” Ella asked as she watched Logan start grabbing items out of the refrigerator. “I want her to play the piano with me again.”

Logan placed an array of hot dog supplies on the counter, and put a couple hot dogs in the microwave to cook. “She will still be tired and sleepy, but she will be able to talk to you more, and maybe listen to you play piano.” Logan placed the now cooked hotdogs on a bun and put ketchup on one for his daughter, and pilled his own up with numerous other condiments.

“Daddy, will we still be able to eat hotdogs all the time?” She asked as she bit into her hot food.

Logan smiled at her. “Probably not as often, but they will still be apart of our routine.” He said while winking at her.

Ella giggled and continued eating her food. After they finished there well prepared dinner and placed their dirty dishes in the dishwasher, the two headed upstairs to clean up their apartment and ready it for Marie’s return. “When will we move into the cabin?” Ella asked as they reached their door.

“When mommy gets strong enough to walk out there, we can show it to her. And then we can start moving in when she gives the okay.” Logan said while motioning for Ella to pick up the few dolls that she had lying around the living area. They were not a dirty or untied couple, by nature Logan was a clean man, well after he met Marie, but that did not mean that there were not a few stray and misplaced items lying around the few rooms that was their home. Items such has Ella’s dolls, Logan’s paper work, and few random pieces of clothes that some how ended up on the couch and chairs. Logan was not sure how all that happened, but he knew that he better have it all picked up before Marie came back to her rooms.

They were done rather quickly and Ella immediately sat down to work on her homework. She was a good child, and Logan hoped that Marie was willing to have more children with him, but first he had to ask her to marry him.

The next morning, Logan helped Marie walk to the elevator and supported her as she attempted to walk to her room.

“I’m fine Logan.” She kept stating as her legs would randomly give out, she wouldn’t fall just stumble a bit, but Logan would tighten his hold on her arm and try to support her more as they walked down the halls. “Will you stop, I am fine.” Logan would not dignify these protests with responses just kept supporting her as they slowly walked down the hall. “Logan please if I wasn’t well enough, Hank wouldn’t, oomph.” Finally he just picked her up, threw her over his shoulder and carried her to her room. He didn’t say a word, and she was so shocked that she could neither protest nor squirm. When they reached her, well now their, bedroom he gently placed her on the bed, and went back to close the door. “That was uncalled for, I was walking just fine.”

“You were taking to long darlin’.” He said plainly while he walked back over to the bed. He leaned down and gently kissed her on the lips. “I have class, get some rest and I will be back with Ella to eat lunch. I think Jubilee said that she would come by to tell you about Kitty later.”

He started heading towards the door, but Marie would not let him have the last word. “Just you wait until I get my full strength back.” Logan raised an eyebrow at her while his hand rested on the door knob that would lead him in to the living room. “Payback is a bitch, baby.” She said as she curled up on her bed and got ready to take a nap.

Logan smirked. “I’m going to hold you to that, darlin’.” He said as he left her to sleep.


It was not long after Marie’s return to her own bed, that she was spending all day awake and preparing herself for her classes. She was ready to start teaching again, and sitting around the mansion was driving her crazy. Logan was busy with his own classes, and Ella was in school, she was left to amuse herself most of the time. Thankfully Logan would come upstairs and walk down with her, so they could eat lunch with Ella, or so they could watch her practice together. Whatever time he would have spent visiting her in the med lab, he now spent with her around the mansion. She was still not able to walk around the mansion by herself, but that was just a precaution that Hank insisted on since she was still easily exhausted. Of course Logan completely agreed to this, since he did not want her to be off by herself and randomly falling downing flights of stairs. He wanted to be near by incase she should suffer from some type of relapse.

“Logan I need out of this room.” Marie said as they were getting ready for bed.

Logan looked over at where she was laying on their bed, watching him gather his paper work for the following day’s classes. “You do get out of the rooms, Marie.” He continued to clean up his work and started to head towards the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Marie glared at him and got up to stand in the door way as he brushed his teeth. “That is not what I mean, and you know it.” Logan just watched her from the mirror, since he really couldn’t give response with toothpaste in his mouth. “Why don’t we take Ella to the zoo this weekend? Or go to the park? We could take a weekend trip down the coast and visit some of the beaches.” Marie rambled on with a few more options, while Logan finished brushing his teeth. By the time he whipped his mouth off she was pouting and sadden looking for away out of the “confinement” that she was currently in. “I know that being up here is better than the med lab, but I want to get out Logan. Live my life, enjoy what is out there.”

Logan smirked as he stood in front her. “Enjoy life uh?” Before Marie could respond, Logan had picked her up and carried her to the bed. As he placed her on the bed he started to kiss her. “How about we spend some more time enjoying the bedroom?”

When Logan finally gave her a chance to catch her breath, she responded. “As much as I am loving this Logan, the fact doesn’t change that I need out of the mansion for at least a little while.” Marie said as she continued to kiss him.

“I know, baby, but I’ll take care of that this weekend. Now is the time for this.” He started kissing her deeper and making sure that she was enjoying her time in bed.

For Marie the weekend could not come soon enough, for Logan as much as he wanted to get this over with, he was still scared. And Ella was loving having a real family again, though she could not remember her first family, when she was not in school or practice she was by one or both of her parents side. They were happy, but Logan wanted more, and knew that Marie deserved more.

“Logan what are we doing today?” Marie asked as she walked out of the bathroom, towel drying her hair.

“It is a surprise.” He said as he tied his shoes and watched her start deciding on what to wear for the day.

“What should I wear for said surprise?” Marie did not really like surprises but knew from past experiences that Logan would rarely reveal where he would be taking her, and by following along was easier than arguing with the wolverine.

Logan smirked, noticing that she choose not to argue with him, even though she had done nothing but over the last few days, when trying to get him to tell when he would be taking her out of the mansion. “Why don’t you wear one of your dresses?” Logan said while watching her back as she looked through her closet.

She raised an eyebrow at him. “What kind of dress?”

Logan raised an eyebrow back, like he knew what type of dresses she had. When she did nothing but stare back at him, he softly grunted. “One to wear outside.” Marie nodded and pulled out a nice spring dress that was perfect for the day. It was a white dress that was trimmed in a dark green, and with a tie around her waist that was green. The top was a halter, and though it was a respectable spring dress it also revealed her nice cleavage. Logan smiled at her choice. He knew that would be the perfect dress for the occasion. “That will work.” He said simply.

Marie smiled at his approval, walked over gave him a kiss and went back into the bathroom to change and get ready for the day. Logan left her to get ready and checked on Ella who was happily watching cartoons.

“Sunshine, go put on that new dress you got when we went shopping.” Logan said while walking towards Ella’s bedroom door to get out the dress for her to change into. They had gone on a quick shopping trip so Ella would have a dress for the occasion of her father asking her mother to marry him. They had agreed upon a spring dress that was yellow with small flowers sewn into the fabric. She looked adorable in it, and Logan knew that he would be threatening many young boys in the up coming years.

“Alright. Is mommy wearing a dress too?”

“Yes, now can you put this thing in your hair or will you need mommy’s help.” Logan asked holding up a hair band, though he had no clue what it was called he hoped his daughter could put it in herself.

“I can do it.” Ella said grabbing the hair band and running it through her hair a couple of times before she got it in just right. She was then all ready to go out into the woods with her parents. “Already.” She said as she twirled for her daddy.

Logan looked her over, and smiled at how cute she looked. “You look adorable baby. Let’s go see if mommy is ready yet.” He took his daughter’s hand and they walked into the living room and saw Marie walking out of the bedroom. She smiled at them and was really excited to be getting out of the house.

“Mommy you look pretty.” Ella said, but did not leave her daddy’s side. She use to run into Marie’s waiting arms and hugging her until they both fell over, but since her mother’s return from the hospital wing, she was careful not to jump and knock Marie over.

“Come her sunshine and give me hug.” Marie missed all of the excited hugs from her daughter, and couldn’t wait until they could hug like crazy again. Ella walked over to her mother and hugged her tight.

“I don’t want to hurt you mommy.” Ella said as Marie picked her up.

“You don’t have to worry, sunshine, Wolvie will catch us.” Ella looked over her mom’s shoulder and saw that Logan had walked over and was standing extremely close to Marie’s side, as if he was waiting for Marie’s arms to give out. Marie did not mind though, since she knew that he was just looking out for his girls. “You look pretty too baby girl, did you go shopping with Jubes?”

“No, daddy took me.”

Marie raised an eyebrow at Logan as if asking him if he indeed went shopping. “It was a quick trip. Now are you both ready to go?” Logan asked as he took Ella out of Marie’s arms, took Marie’s arm, and led her out the door while still carrying his daughter.

Marie went willingly while Ella told her about their shopping trip. “And he bought that shirt.” Marie looked over at Logan, who was indeed dressed rather nicely. He had on newer jeans and new black button down shirt. His shoes and belt-buckle were well polished, and he attempted to get his hair to look somewhat controlled.

Feeling Marie’s eyes on him he looked down at her. “What?” He grunted.

“What are you up too?” She asked as the exited the building.

He stopped as he shut the door, and pulled her closer to his side. “Here you go Ella.” He said as he handed her one of Marie’s old green scarves. It was one that Logan had sent her from one of his travels to Mexico. She knew for a fact that no matter how tight of loose it was tide around her eyes, she would never be able to see through it.

Ella tided the scarf around her mother’s eyes. “It’s a secret mommy.” After Ella was finished tying the scarf, Logan placed her on her own feet, so he could guide Marie through the woods.

“Logan.” Marie said in a worried voice.

Logan smiled and lent down so Ella wouldn’t hear him. “Trust me darlin’, you are going to love it.” He gently licked her ear and started to lead her towards the woods. Ella was already a ways in front of them leading the way. The two of them had made so many trips into the woods, and now with the new guide lamps in place, Ella was not afraid to wonder into the woods, as long as her parents were close by her side.

The house was already for Marie. She would have to make a few decisions about paint, carpet, and furniture, but other than those few things it was already for her and her new family. Logan was so anxious for her to see it he was surprised that he just did not flat out tell her about it. Since the cabin house was only a short distance from the mansion they reached it rather quickly. Marie trusted Logan to guide her and protect her from all stumbles on the path. This helped in them reaching their destination quickly.

Ella went up onto the deck while Logan kept Marie in the front yard. They had planned this, so Marie could see the house with her daughter in it.

Logan stood behind her and untied the scarf. Marie opened her eyes slowly in hoped of allowing them to adjust to the light quickly. When she saw the house she was shocked and confused. “What is it?” She asked quietly to Logan.

“It’s a house.” He said with a chuckle. She was too surprised to react to his flip comment.

“Mommy do you like it? We worked really hard to have it all ready for you when you got all better. Mommy come look inside.” Ella said as she motioned for her mother and father to follow her into the house.

“Logan?” She asked as she turned into his arms.

“I told you that I wasn’t running, unless you were running with me. But I can’t stay in the mansion. So unless you want to start running, this is for us.” He said as he turned her back to the cabin and held her close to him.

“It looks very cozy.” She said as she sighed into his embrace.

“Cozy?” He grunted. “It’s far enough away from the mansion to feel like we are in another country.” He said happily. She smiled but refrained from commenting. He loosened his embrace and walked in front of her, so she could see him and the house that he prepared for her and their family. He took both of her hands into his and gently kissed her lips. “Marie, will you marry me?” He asked quietly as his lips stayed close to her lips.

Marie was shocked…Beyond shocked. She was not prepared for this. She did not have an answer for him.

“Darlin’ it’s a yes or yes answer.” He said as he kissed her gently again.

She smiled and sighed into his arms. “Yes!” She whispered. And then he grabbed her and twirled her around in merriment. “Yes I will marry you.” She said louder as she laughed.

“Daddy, put mommy down so she can come see the house.” Ella yelled at them as she stood on the front porch with her hands on her little hips.

Logan placed Marie’s feet back on the ground but still held her close. “We will be right there sunshine.” He said with the biggest smile on his face. They laughed as Ella stomped back into the house.

Logan pulled Marie closer to him (if that was possible), “I love you.” He said as he placed the ring her had bought her on her finger and then kissed her senseless before she could comment on the ring. By the time they both stepped back from the kiss, Logan had to practically carry Marie to the door. Before they were to the steps, Logan again pulled Marie into his arms, kissed her again, and lifted her up to carry her over the threshold.

Marie was laughing, until she remembered something. “Wait, stop!” She said right before Logan entered the front door. Logan lifted and eyebrow and gave her a questioning stare. She smiled at him, “I love you more.” She said as she kissed him, and they entered their new home together.


~*~ Index~*~ Epilogue~*~