“Are you going out with Cally today?”
“She wanted to show me all of the non-tourist sites, and something about the hidden shopping areas.”
“When she isn’t in a business suit, she is in shopping shoes. Really I think she only has two passions in life, shopping and work.” Tristan said teasingly about a woman he truly admired and thought more of than another society debutant.
Rory had woken up early and was wondering around the kitchen when Tristan walked in dressed in a navy pin-strip suite, looking one hundred percent business. Rory was already on her third cup of coffee and was willing to make small talk, but it was Tristan who initiated the conversation. To Rory the feeling of moving around the breakfast table was too familiar to her, to like what she and Logan did in the mornings. Routine is what she strived on, but what her mother usually interrupted. Sure occasionally they would have a routine morning, but usually something went wrong, the car didn’t start, an alarm didn’t go off, no clean/appropriate clothes to wear, with Lorelei anything could happen. Tristan was about to leave when Rory realized he did not tell her anything about his plans for the day.
“Stop right there mister.” Tristan stopped in the door way, portable coffee in one hand and brief case in the other. “What are you doing today?”
He looked at her like she was crazy, “Going to the office, attending meetings in different departments, and starting to implicate some of the newer ideas my team discussed last week.”
“Oh…well did you want to meet us for lunch. Calina mentioned something about Alexei planning on coming.”
Tristan was surprised to see Rory look of anticipation, as if she really would like him to join her for lunch. Last night they danced most of the night either together or occasionally Calina and Alexei would interrupt them to switch things up. However they did not talk, but to him the dancing meant more than just dancing. He was able to touch her, hold her, be close to her without their past interfering. In the past she was his unattainable, which had him wanting her more. Now she was right in his grasp, but still alluding him, though to his benefit he was so worried about his business he did not have time to think about a relationship let alone try to win a girl over. And Rory would defiantly have to be won.
“My schedule is different from Alexei. He has the opportunity to be here all the time and focus all his attention on one business. While I on the other hand, am being pulled in two directions, and am only available to talk to my workers face-to-face twice a year. It leaves very little time for socializing.” He said this calmly, trying to explain to Rory and remind himself why he couldn’t just drop everything and meet the girls for lunch. Well at least not without checking and rearranging his schedule.
“According to your friends and staff, you don’t make the time to socialize.” Rory was disappointed, but it was coming across more irritably than how she meant it to sound. She just thought that Tristan and herself should spend sometime getting to know each other, maybe even become friends. When they danced last night she thought it would be possible for them to be friends. Actually if she was truthful with herself she would admit that with him holding her while they dance they could have been much more than just friends. But that was not an option.
“I’m building a business from the ground up, it was not handed to me like your playboy’s newspaper company.” Tristan was reacting to the irritation in Rory’s tone and his anger toward himself about being to businesses oriented and not taking some time off to spend with his house guest.
“That’s not fair Tristan, you don’t know Logan.”
“Don’t I?” Tristan gave her a questioning look that had Rory reconsidering her statement. “If he wanted to make more of his life than what his family wanted, he could have reached for it. He has the money and the resources. Yes I am doing what my father and grandfather wanted me to do, however I also took a part of my own inheritance and along with Alexei am working at building my own business. It may be hard work and not the easy way, but I am happier now than I ever was.”
Rory calmed down a bit, thinking over what he was telling her. “Your family doesn’t know, that’s why you told me we were going to your vacation home.”
He spent his days surround by some of the smartest people in the insurance business, but it was this slip of a girl who solved the biggest mystery behind Tristan DuGrey. “You are right, however that does not changed the way things are.” He sighed, but did not give Rory a chance to talk. “Now I was being serious Alexei takes some time off while I am here, but that does not mean that I can not try to meet you and Calina for lunch. Can I call you when I know if I will be able to make it?” He was being sincere. Tristan wasn’t a fighter, at least not in the last few years he hadn’t been. However Rory with her spontaneous mood swings and need of attention, was not bring out the best in him. Not that he felt that she meant to be that way, it was just the way she was, and her personality brought out the side of him that he thought had put on the top of his bone filled closet.
“That would be nice.” She had given in, something Tristan was sure was rare for her to do. But it was nice to know that she was able to compromise when needed. She walked with him to the door and held it has he situated his coat, briefcase and coffee.
He was just about to leave without another word when he was compelled to say something, “Rory…” He stopped not knowing what else to say.
Rory looked at him, and he could tell that she understood. There was something to be said but neither of them knew what it was. He felt the need to show her some sort of affection, but he was afraid that by kissing her, even on the forehead, would lead to more awkward moments. Resigning to the fact that nothing could be said he nodded and started to walk out the door.
“Don’t forget to call.” She said quietly as the elevator opened. He turned and nodded at her again to show that he wouldn’t forget to give her a call later that morning.
Rory was at a lost. Her world was again changing, and just like all the other times she was not handling the change well. In high school, well at Chilton, Rory thought she had all of her classmates figured out. They were all spoiled rich kids, who were never left wanting anything. Paris was the first to change her opinion, when she let Rory see how much her drive for school and Harvard was really a drive to finally get her parents attention. Louis and Madeline were a different story or an entire different world, but Rory’s first opinion or judgment changed with time, especially by seeing how close they stuck to Paris, and not just because Paris allowed them to copy her homework and notes. Her opinions of the others changed too, but it was all the same, parents never there, no one cares about me, etc., etc., so forth. Tristan was another story, she judged him, but that opinion never had the chance to fully change. Sure there were times when she thought maybe there was more to him, but then he would do something stupid, like assuming she would go to concerts with him or break into safes. Now she wasn’t sure what to think of him. He wasn’t the same guy, not even close, she was at a lost.
“That purse is amazing. I can’t believe you are going to be giving it away.”
“A gift for my mother, which I will promptly borrow after three weeks and just happen to forget to return for another month or two.”
“If that’s the case can I then borrow it from you?”
“No.” The two new friends were sitting in an outdoor café, drinking coffee, and waiting for Alexei to join them.
“When did he say he would be able to join us?” Rory said looking down at her watch and seeing that it was already twelve thirty.
“Twelve, which means one in the business world; I’m sorry that Tristan isn’t able to join us.” Calina said with a small frown. Rory waited all morning for a call from Tristan, but by eleven she had given up and took the assumption that he would not be joining them for lunch.
“Okay time for some random questions to kill time.” Calina gave Rory a questioning look, but shrugged her shoulders to show that she was up for anything. “I noticed last night that Tristan calls you Lina, but Alexei calls you Cally, why?”
Calina’s face lit up as she realized Rory’s question was random but friendly. “I go by Lina, much like you go by Rory, however Alexei decided that he did not like calling me what everyone else called me. And he always gives me kalillies as presents, and says a kalillie for his Cally. I asked Tris about it once and he explained how a unique nickname forms a connection between a couple, something for just the two of them to understand.”
“Like calling me Mary,” Rory whispered to herself as she thought of Lina and Alexei’s love, and what Tristan told Lina about nicknames.
“What about Mary?” Lina said with a questioning look.”
Rory looked at her in surprise, “Nothing, just mumbling to myself.”
“Look Tris, do you think those two lovely ladies will allow us to join them?”
Hearing this very loud whisper both women looked up to see both Alexei and Tristan leaning against the fence surrounding the café tables and smiling at them.
“Tristan what a happy surprise, Rory said you would not make it.” Lina’s face lit up when she saw her two favorite men were present, Rory however was surprised and a little upset, though she did not know why she was upset to see Tristan.
“Actually I said he will call if he was able to join us.” Rory said plainly.
Tristan was about to explain when Alexei beat him to the punch, “I took matters into my own hands and changed his entire schedule. I thought it was time for Tris to actually see the city he started his multi-million company in.”
“It is not multi-million yet.” Tristan said as they joined the women at the table.
“But it will be soon.” Calina said excitedly while kissing Alexei lightly on the lips.
Rory couldn’t help but join in the good nature of the afternoon. She had a wonderful time shopping and making friends with Lina all morning and Alexei’s natural good humor reminded Rory of Tristan when he was younger and more teasing. As she smiled over at Tristan she saw that he was smiling, but she could tell that something was not quite right with his good sprite.
The gentlemen asked the girls about their shopping and both started laughing and explaining all their good finds and the tricks they played on the shopping attendants. They set a general rule of no cell phones until their plates were clear, which gave them plenty of time to talk and laugh together.
Tristan was excited that Rory seemed to get along with Calina so well, but was still not sure why this should make him happy. This week was proving to cause Tristan so many emotional instabilities he thought he was back in high school.
“Now Rory as a special favor to you,” Rory gave Alexei a questioning look because she did not ask him for a favor. “I have informed Tristan’s secretaries that he is in a private meeting all day and is not to be disturbed.”
“Alexei, I had important meetings today.” Tristan said getting upset with his suppose best friend.
“Yes and I will be attending those meeting while you entertain your house guest. You are suppose to be on a semi-vacation, so relax for an afternoon.”
“Tristan, we can go see the Kremlin and Kuskovo Estate.” Rory said quietly, almost shyly, while looking him in the eyes for once.
It took him two seconds to put work behind him and agree to travel around Moscow with Rory. They were soon finished eating and the table was being cleared of their plates. All four of them reached for their cell phones and checking for miss calls, however before Tristan could see his Calina took his phone right out of his hands.
“I will take this, since Alexei will be in meetings all day I can help out by keeping an eye on your phone.” Seeing that Tristan was about to interrupt, Lina quickly started explaining. “Don’t worry Tris, I have Rory’s number and if an important call comes through I will let you two know. Now we should get back to the office, you two enjoy your afternoon.” Lina and Alexei stood and with a quick waves and good byes left Rory and Tristan to tour Moscow.
“I’ll call Mark and ask him to come pick us up.” Rory said while starting to search through her contact list on her cell phone. “By the by is Mark talking to you yet?” Rory said with a big smile on her face.
“As a matter of fact he is, what did you do?” Tristan said while leaning back and actually looking more relaxed.
Rory gave him one of her small mischievous looks, which screamed how not innocent she really was. “Nothing,” Tristan looked at her with a raised eyebrow, “well almost nothing.” Tristan was about to ask her more, when he heard Mark’s voice on the other end of the phone. “Hi Mark, would you be able to pick myself and Master Tristan up in the town car? ... We will be waiting at the café… See you soon.”
“He likes you more than he likes me.” Tristan said with a fake frown.
“Sorry to burst your bubble, but I think all of your servants like me more than you.” Rory’s face was as bright as the California sun, and Tristan was soaking in her rays. “Now I think we should visit the Kremlin first, though I am going to ask Mark what he would suggest.
“We have a plan, now we just need the ride.”