"Dear you look absolutely lovely." Serena's mother Irene said to her.
"Mother, I'm still in my bathrobe, and don't have my hair or make done yet. Please tell me how I can look so absolutely lovely, like this?"
"I just don't want to forget to tell you later on tonight." Irene said as Serena pushed her out of her bedroom.
"Mothers, can't live with them, can't live with out them." Serena then got to work getting read. (A.N.: Believe me I learned the hard way that it is work getting ready for a dance on time!) After about two hours later Serena looked at herself all finished and dressed in her full-length mirror. "Perfect. With three minutes to spare! Now it go get Darien."
"Darling you look absolutely lovely tonight." Her mother said again.
"Thanks mom."
"You look nice angel, what time will you be home?" Serena's dad, Ken, asked.
"I'm not sure, I'll try to be home by one?"
Irene hit Ken right before he made a commit. "That sounds good dear. Have a good time!" Irene answered.
Serena got into her sliver mustang very carefully trying not to ruin anything about her appearance. It wasn't too hard to find Darien's apartment building, and then she had to go the top floor to reach his apartment.
She rang the doorbell...waited a few seconds...then it slowly opened.
Darien stood before her just staring at her and taking in her appearance. Serena was dressed in a short, sparkly, sliver colored dressed. The style of her dress was spaghetti straps, with a low cut that didn't show too much. She wore a sliver necklace with a star and moon charm on it that went great with her dress. Her hair was up into two meatballs at the top of her head, the same way he saw her where earlier that day and yesterday. She had tied two sliver ribbons around them. Over all she looked absolutely gorgeous, and Darien had no regrets about tonight, well at least not yet.
While Darien was busy 'looking her over', Serena was busy checking Darien out. He was dressed in kakie pants, with a stylish black shirt on. You would think he was crazy for wear black, but wow did he look hot. Moving on from his clothing, now. His gorgeous jet-black hair was done just right, but that one piece fell just slight over his eye. Serena had to control herself not to reach up and brush back.
"Mr. Darien you look handsome tonight."
"Miss. Serena you look just breath taking. How ever did you pull it off?"
"Very funny."
"Did you drive her all by yourself?" Darien asked her as they walked towards the elevator and got in.
"Why yes. Why?"
"You seem to young."
"Excuse me, but just because I'm only 5'5" doesn't mean that I'm not sixteen."
"So you're are what a junior then?"
"Yes, do you have a problem with that, because if you do fine, go on and stay in that 'I'm better than everyone' attitude of yours."
"And you aren't. Andrew said you were popular and had everyone loving you."
"That is not true!"
"We will see." They were now down along the street next to Serena's mustang. "Yours?"
"Yes, I earned by working in the theater last two summers."
They cared on a little small talk on the short ride to the dance.
"Are you sure you want to be at a school dance tonight?"
"Yes, why are you afraid of being seen with me in public?" Serena asked him.
"No it's just that I have never been the type to go to school dances. I stick to clubs."
"You'll have fun believe me. Just wait, come on, will you take my word on this one thing? If you don't have fun then I will go with you to a club next weekend, I promise."
"And what if I don't want to take you to a club?" Darien asked while Serena was dragging him, literally, towards the gym.
"Then fine, ditch me tonight, go off to your little club alone. I'll just tell everyone that you're to proud and 'good' to be seen at our school dance, see how that goes around school." Serena said while letting him go for a second and turning around to face him.
"Andrew warned me, but you have me twisted around that little finger of yours don't you." Darien said while pulling her close to his side. "I said I would go to this dance but you promised me a secret on my friend."
"After the dance I promise." Darien looked down at her trying to decide if she was worth this, wait she is the most beautiful lady you have ever seen of course, she was worth it.
They walked in the gym together and stood there waiting for their eyes to adjust to the darkness, and their ears to the loud music. Little did they know that the picture they made standing together was eye shattering perfect. Everyone there looked at them, but they couldn't tell because of the dark gym.
"Serena you look beautiful." Andrew said while gentle kissing her on the cheek.
"Not looking to bad your self, Andy. Mina you're absolutely gorgeous!" Serena said to her dear friends.
"I always do!" Mina said with a laugh.
"Glad to see you could make it Darien. This is my girlfriend and a close friend of Angel's, Mina Love, Mina this is Darien."
"Nice to meet you, Mina."
"Like wise. I'm sorry but I must steal Serena away for just a minute. We will be right back." Mina said while pulling her along with her to the restroom. (A.N.: it's a girl thing)
"You two look so cute together." Mina said to Serena.
"I can't believe you, the two of you look so cute standing there together." Lita said while walking into the restroom with Raye and Amy.
"What's he like?"
"I'm not sure yet. I've only been with him for like ten minutes."
"Every girl is so jealous of you, walking in with Darien." Raye informed her.
All the girls just stated giggling all at once, which got them to just plain old laugh even harder.
Mean while all of the girl's dates went up to talk to the guy who their girlfriend's best friend walked in with. They all had met him yesterday at launch time.
"Darien, every guy in this gym is absolutely envious of you." Ken informed him.
"You walked in with Serena Angel, is there any other reason?" Greg said sheepishly.
"Every guy, except all of us, because we are like brothers to her, has tried to get a date with her since first grade." Chad said.
"Hasn't she gone to a dance before with some one?" Darien asked.
"No, are you kidding me, Serena is like a modern day Cinderella. Goes to the balls alone hoping to meet the right guy. But in reality she is just setting herself up for disappointment." Andrew said.
"Well then I will just have to show this 'Angel' of yours a good time." Darien said while smiling at Serena as she walked over to Darien.
"Conspiracy against a girl that leaves for a minute and come back and finds a group of guys surrounding her date?" Serena asked the five guys. "The girls are looking for you around the gym. Who knew that I would be lucky enough to find all of you." Serena said with a small laugh. A slow song came on and the guys scattered to find and dance with their girlfriends.
"Dance with me!" Darien whispered in her ear. Darien then gentle took her hand in his and led her to an open area on the gym floor.
('I Want to be With You')
I try but I cant seem to get myself
To think of anything
But you
Your breath on my face
Your warm gentle kiss I taste the truth
I taste the truth
We know what I came here for
So I won`t ask for more
I wanna be with you
If only for a night
To be the one whose in your arms
Who holds you tight
I wanna be with you
There`s nothing more to say
There`s nothing else I want more than to feel this way
I wanna be with you (yeah)
So I`ll hold you tonite
Like I would if you were mine
to hold forever more
And I`ll saver each touch that I wanted
So much to feel before (to feel before)
How beautiful it is
Just to be like this
I wanna be with you
If only for a night
To be the one whose in your arms
Who holds you tight
I wanna be with you
There`s nothing more to say
There`s nothing else I want more than to feel this way
(I wanna be) I wanna be with you
Oh baby
I can`t fight this feeling anymore
It drives me crazy when I try to
So call my name
Take my hand
Make my wish
Baby, your command?
I wanna be with you
There`s nothing more to say
There`s nothing else I want more than to feel this way
(I wanna be)I wanna be with you (I wanna be with you)
I wanna be with you
Wanna be with you (Yeahhh)
(I wanna be with you)I wanna be
I wanna be with you
(I wanna be)
(i wanna be)
(I wanna be with you) Yeahh
(I wanna be with you)
I wanna be, I wanna be baby
I wanna be
(I wanna be with you)
I wanna be with you yeah
I wanna be with you
I wanna be with you
As the two them slowly danced in each other's arms, they never said a word but just stared into each other's eyes. Both realizing that they were falling, falling very hard, in what they could only call love.
'Darien is so amazing, we haven't even know each other for a day and I'm already falling for him. I'll just have to be careful around him so I don't show him how much I do care for him.'
'Her eyes are amazing, I could stare into them all night. She is so beautiful; I wish I could just hold her close and never let go. Wait a minute Darien, you don't want to get hurt by this "popular" girl who probably will drop you as soon as the next handsome guy walks through the door. But maybe by some chance she is different at least maybe she is to night.'
The song ended much to quickly for the both of them, and a few faster songs continued. They continued to dance, eventually joining their other friends in an area. After a while the D.J. decided it was time for another slow song.
"This is a song for all you couples out there."
Darien once again took Serena into his arms. Holding her close as if to protected her, from what he didn't know. Serena was glad to be close to Darien. Even though her feelings for him were still very questionable, she longed to be close to him. They still looked into each other's eyes seeing the souls of the other.
Everyone by now was really getting into a dance mood. 'We Like to Party' came on, and everyone formed two lines. Your 'partner' was standing across from you, and you just went down the line starting with the first couple. Each taking their turn to dance in some fashionable manner down the line of people. (A.N. if you don't know what I'm talking about I'm so sorry but I don't know what it's called!) Everyone was enjoying watching the couples dance. Some got really into like Raye and Chad, while others were shy, um can we say Amy and Greg. When the next song came on groups formed, even though you really couldn't tell who was in which group since they were all so close together.
The night slowly came to an end, with one last slow song 'I Do (Cherish You)'
Darien once again held Serena close. This time 'from exhaustion' Serena gently laid her head against Darien's shoulder. Well, not exactly his shoulder but close to it, since she was shorter than him, even with her heals on (which she just put back on!) (A.N. I don't know one girl who can last a whole dance without taking off her shoes!! LOL!!) To say the least they were both disappointed that the dance was over.
'I thought this night would last forever, I have never been so happy!' Darien thought to himself, while smiling at his little angel that was resting in his arms.
'I never want Darien to let go. Tonight was perfect I wish it would never end!' Serena thought happily.
(Going to the Car)
"Andrew said something about going to the arcade since it is only eleven. Would you like to go?" Darien asked Serena as they walked hand in hand to her car.
"I don't have to be home until one and the girls were begging me to go. But Darien would you drive, please?" Serena asked
"Like I would by pass a chance to drive a mustange. If your tired you can go home and get some rest." Darien said with concern, while opening the passenger side door for Serena.
"No, I'm fine. Let's go before Raye decideds that we are late."
The ride to the Arcade was quite, both just savering the memory of the night. How they danced, laughed and enjoyed just being together.
"I'm glad you two could come." Andrew said as they walked into the Arcade.
"Thanks for inviting us Andy," Serena said.
"As if I would leave out my little Serena alone with this guy." Andrew said while pointing at Darien.
"I'll choose to ignore that comment."
Raye and Chad came in laughing. Raye made Chad tell the joke that got them laughing and soon everyone was laughing and having a good time. They talked about the dance and school in general. Before they knew it, it was already quarter to one and Serena was almost a sleep on Darien's shoulder.
"I better get you home, sleepy head." Darien whispered into her ear.
"Hmm, what was that Darien?"
"Come on let's go." Darien helped her out of the booth. "We better get going. Bye everyone."
"Byeeeeee..." Serena said while leaning back into Darien half a sleep. All of the girls were tired and their boyfriends deciced that they too should be leaving.
"Sere, what was that secret you have on Andrew?" Darien asked not really caring but needing a way to keep her awake.
"Umm...secret...Oh, that secret, there wasn't one, but I could make one up and people would believe me."
"You tricked me!" Darien said with a laugh. "You little trickster."
"As a recall, somebody wouldn't get off his high horse and talk to me unless I came up with something. I would call it improvicing." Serena said with a little smile. "You called me Sere."
"Do you have a problem with that?"
"No, I like it." Darien smiled glad she didn't mind him giving her a little nick-name.
He pulled the car into the parking lot of his apartment. They both got out. Darien lend against the car while Serena walked around.
"I had a wonderful time tonight, Sere. Thank you for improvicing a way to get me off of my high horse." He took both her hands and brought both up to his lips, kissing them lightly.
"Thank you for agreeing to come with me, even though a club would have been more to you liking." Serena said softly to him.
"Tonight was perfect, I couldn't dream of anything more wonderful."
"Really?" Serena whispered while looking into his eyes seeing that he wasn't lieing to her.
"Yes." Darien whispered to her. Unbeknowest to them, they were getting closer together, closing in the small cap of nothingness that was between them. "Well maybe I could dream of something." Darien said. He gently lifted her chin up alittle, then in the sweetest of manor he gentle kissed her lips. By his better judgment he didn't take the kiss any deeper than that. But Serena didn't really care, she thought she was dreaming. "Will you be able to drive home?" Darien asked out of concern, but not moving away from Serena.
"I'm not sure. Why don't you kiss me again just to make sure." Serena genlty begged.
"Not tonight, I need you to stay focused on driving and not day dreaming about my kisses."
"Back to that high and might attidue!" Serena said half jokingly the other half of afriad, that he had just teased her and that he didn't care about this night that they shared together at all.
"Excuse me for caring about whether you make it home safely, and not wanting your death on my concience."
"Fine then I'll leave you alone from now on." Serena said while starting to move away from him. But Darien quickly wrapped his arm around her waisted, and kept her from moving.
"Not if I have anything to say about it." Darien said before he kissed her again. He didn't let the kiss go further than what a first date kiss should go, yet Serena became addicted to his sweet kisses, wanting more.