July 4~~Park~~8 p.m.
“Tell me more about your life in America.” Darien asked while he and Serena were walking in the Park.
“Well, you know about the ship I took there. So, once I reached the States and met Ryan, I sort of hit a depression to say. The first six months were hard. I was trying to figure allot of things out and being hurt by you and yet still missing you so much, had me crying many a times. Then Kyle took me ice-skating. He is usually a partner skater, but can do both. It’s the same with me. As soon as I got on the ice I loved it, and I was a natural on the ice.” Serena paused. “That’s all for now Darien.”
Darien gave her a look and she squeezed his hand, since they were walking hand in hand (the two little love birds that they are!!) Serena then opened her communicator, Raye could be seen on the little screen, “Raye come to the park!”
“Be there in a jiff!” Raye answered.
“What’s wrong?” Darien asked. Then there was a bang.
“That, I could feel the nega vibes.”
The monster standing not far from them was green with sharp claws on his feet and four hands. Both Serena and Darien transformed hidden out of the running pedestrians’ view.
“Let me buy us some time so we can get some information out of this thing.”
So Sailor Moon-Star walked forward, while Tuxedo Mask went around to wait until she needed help (a classic Tux Boy move if you ask me).
“Hey Nega Slise, why don’t you pick on somebody your own size?” Sailor Moon-Star called out.
“Somebody like you?”
“Well, Ya!”
“And you are?”
“Sailor Star, and I’m here to destroy you!”
“I don’t want you, but you will do for now!” The hideous monster sent a dark energy ball at Sailor Moon-Star, which she easily jumped away from. “Where’s your leader Sailor Moon? She’s the strongest and the only one who can defeat me!”
“Why don’t you just try me out?” The monster sent out four more dark energy balls (one from each it’s hands) towards Sailor Star! ‘Don’t interfere, Darien!” Serena thought to Darien. She then jumped up, but one of the balls hit her ankle.
“MAR’S FIREBALLS ENGNIGHT!” Mar’s fireballs hit the monster right on.
“Mar’s Soldier use your sword now!” Sailor Moon-Star instructed.
“MAR’S FIRE-SWORD ELIMINATION!” The elimination hit the monster before is recovered from the fireballs and was dusted before all of their eyes.
Sailor Mars ran over to Sailor Moon-Star. “Are you all right?”
“I’m fine. I let myself get hit, didn’t I Darien?!”
Darien walked out detransformed from the bushes. “Yes, she told me not to ‘interfere!’ Why?” Darien said. He then picked her up off of the ground and carried her as they started walking. They all detransformed so they would look suspicious.
“Because, I couldn’t destroy him. I’ll explain ever this later. We need to get everyone together now.
Soon everyone was at the apartment. Serena had her leg iced, while Darien held her close.
“You’re shaking!”
“First time I fought as Sailor Moon-Star, I wanted you beside me!”
“Why and how did you tell me not to?”
“I need to tell everyone.” Serena then started to get everyone’s attention. “Thank you everyone for coming. Fortunately today we got some information. Like always their is an unfortunately too. Which is that we had to fight.”
“Are you alright, Serena?” Amy asked.
“I’m fine, just not taking any chances with my ice skating. First, everyone, the monster was looking for Sailor Moon.” Serena continued.
“But she’s been gone for two years.” Ken stated.
“Yes, but that’s our strongest worrier, and the monsters think that she’s the only one who can defeat them.”
“And she’s not?” Mina asked.
“No, Raye tell everyone about today.”
“Um, Chad and I got to Serena right after she got hit in the ankle. I attacked first then Chad used his sword elimination and the monster was dusted.”
“How is that possible?” Lita asked. “We could never completely dust a monster before.”
“Completely is the key. You are all complete now, and together you will be able to completely dust the monsters. But you have to act before the effects ‘wear off’ to say. Besides that fact though we have an other upper hand on this battle.”
“What’s that?” Chad asked.
“Sailor Moon!” Darien said.
“Yep. They think Sailor Moon is the strongest.”
“That’s why you allowed yourself to get hit and told me to stay away.” Darien stated.
“I’m not understanding.” Avery said.
“As Sailor Moon-Star I am stronger than I was as Sailor Moon. So as long as they think that, we can defeat them with the truth.” Serena said.
The battles continued every night with two to five monsters a night. Serena never defeated any of them and Darien couldn’t or rather was not allowed to help her, so he helped the others. Even though watching Serena and not helping her tore him up inside, he always tried to encourage her.
Darien and Serena were barely ever seen separated and if they were it wasn’t for long. Usually they would stay at Darien’s apartment at night and battled, went to work or practice at eight, ate lunch together at noon, then went back to work until around four. Most of the time after work they enjoyed each other’s company. They were happy together, even more so than two years prier.
July 19
Today Darien had a meeting so Serena went to her apartment (the one she shared with Ryan and Kyle, remember that one!!) after lunch. When Darien came to see her he found Ryan on the couch with a worried look on his face and trails of tears down his check.
“What’s wrong Ryan? Is it Serena? Where is she?”
“Sit down Darien, Serena feel asleep a while ago.” Darien sat down and waited for Ryan to continue. “Can’t you see what’s happening to her? She is won out, her energy leave is so low she can’t take much more of these brawls in her current state.”
“I noticed, but yet I’m still learning all the changes in her. What can we do?”
“Get her to rest as much as she can, and peacefully. She loves staying with you she said she felt safe. If it is ok with you, keep her there and close to you especially when she is tried. With enough rest she’ll gain energy. Plus, make sure she eats healthy food, more than she would eat on her skater’s diet.”
“I will do anything to help my love.”
“That’s another thing, love her!
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