Impact-Paint to Barrel Maching Chart!
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Paintball Barrel/Paint Chart
How to use this chart:
It is a good idea to find a barrel suitable for the paint you commonly shoot.  

Steps to find your barrel: 
1) Find your favorite paint or the paint you plan to shoot the most, 
2) Find its "Bore Discription", 
3) Thumb through the barrel listing to find the barrels with the matching "Bore Description", 
4) And pick one you like! 

If you already have an aftermarket barrel or are playing with your stock barrel, and you desire to find a good paint match, this chart can also help you. 

Steps to find a paint mach: 
1) Scroll down to find your barrel, whether in the aftermarket or stock barrel section, 
2) Find its barrel "Bore Description", 
3) Scroll back up to the Paint section and find a matching paint brand. 

If you want to get really technical, you can attempt to match the actual bore sizes, but in all honesty, this is not always completely accurate. 

The tried and true matching procedure is always the best when it comes right down to it.   Paintballs are naturally out-of-round, swell in hot/humid weather, shrink in cold weather, and just plain do what ever they want when they get old. the only sure test for paint/barrel match is to actually test the paint in your barrel: 

- Place a paintball in your barrel, 
- If it rolls out easily, your paint is too small, 
- If it does not roll out, blow in your barrel, 
- If you turn blue trying to blow it out, your paint is too big, 
- If you can easily or fairly easily blow it out, you have the right size paint. 

Paintball Sizes
Paint Brand Bore Discription Barrel Bore Size Range
RPS Premium
.689 - .691
RPS Premium Gold Medium .689 - .691
RPS Marbalizer Small .686 - .688
RPS All-Star Very small .682 - .685
RPS BigBall Medium to small .688 - .690
Proball Small .686 - .688
Proball Lite Small to medium .687 - .689
Proball Devil Small .686 - .688
Proball Platinum Small .686 - .688
Zap Select Medium .689 - .691
Zap Classic Medium .689 - .691
Zap Advantage Medium to small .688 - .690
Zap ProSeries Medium to small .688 - .690
Zap ProSport Medium .689 - .691
Brass Eagle, old style Large .692+
Brass Eagle Top Brass Medium .689 - .691
Nelson Challenger Large .692+
Paintball Mania First Choice Large .692+
PowerBall Medium .689 - .691
Diablo Inferno Small .686 - .688
Diablo Blaze Medium to Small .688 - .690
Diablo HellFire Very small .682 - .685
PMI Paintballs Medium .689 - .691

Chart Key
Model The trade name of each manufacturer's barrel
Lengths The lengths available
Step? Indicates whether the barrel has a stepped-bore
Advertised Bore The Manufacturer's advertised bore size 
NOTE: all advertised bore sizes were obtained from engineers or production managers ONLY
Measured Bore The actual measured bore size at breech (sample: minimum 10 barrels) 
NOTE: measurements were obtained by the use of a mil-spec fuel line bore guage accurate to ±.0005
Bore Description Typical label to denote bore size
Aftermarket Barrels
Lengths Step? Advertised Bore Measured Bore Bore Description
Standard, stainless 10", 12", 14" N .691 .689 - .691 Medium
Standard, aluminum 10", 12", 14" N .691 .689 - .691 Medium
BoomStick (Ironmen Series) 14", 16", 18" Y .688 .688 - .689 Small
Autospirit, stainless 11.5" N(a) .687 .687 Small
Autospirit, aluminum 11.5" N(a) .686 .686 Small
Bigshot, stainless 11.5" N(a) .689 .689 Medium
Bigshot, aluminum 11.5" N(a) .689 .689 Medium
Two-piece (coming soon?) N/A Y .687 (est.) .687 (est.) Small
Smart Parts          
All American, Aluminum, light gray back 12", (14"*), 16" Y .685 .684 - .686 Small
All American, Aluminum, black back 12", (14"*), 16" Y .689 .689 - .691 Medium
All American, Aluminum, dark gray back 12", (14"*), 16" Y .692 .691 - .693 Large
All American, stainless 14" Y .689 .689 - .690 Medium
Smart Stainless, one-piece 12" N .689 .688 - .689 Medium
Teardrop 12" N .689 .689 - .690 Medium
Boss Progressive 12" N .689 .689 - .690 Medium
Venturi 8", 12" N .689 .689 - .691 Medium
32 Degrees          
Terminator 12", 14" N .689 .690 - .692 Medium
Stainless 12" N .689 .690 - .691 Medium
Carbon Fiber 10", 12", 14" Y .689 .691 Medium
J&J Performance          
All are various bore sizes Various (12"c, 14"c) N(b) Various (.688c) N/A (Medium to small)c
Air Concept Industries          
Zero Gravity, one-piece 11", 13.5" N .684 - .692(c) .691 - .694(c) Large(c)
Zero Gravity, combo (two-piece) 12.5", 14" Y .684 - .692(c) N/A Large(c)
Zero Gravity, Grafitti series 12.5", 14" Y .684 - .692(c) .695(c) Large(c)
Pro Series 8", 10", 13", 16" N (.692d) .689e .689 - .694*** Large
Stealth 8", 10", 13", 16" N (.691d) .688e .687 - .691*** Small
Stainless Armageddon 10", 12", 14" N .689 N/A Medium
Stock Marker Barrels
Stock Gun Barrels Lengths Step? Advertised Bore Measured Bore Bore Description
WGP STO Autococker 12" N(a) (.687d) .690e N/A Medium to small
WGP '97, '98 Autococker 12" N(a) (.687d) .690e (.686d) .689e - .691e Medium to small
ACI F-4 Illustrator 10" N .692 .689 - .692 Medium to large
ACI Maveric/Hornet 12" N .692 .690 - .692 Medium to large
WDP Angel 12" Y .686 .686 Small
WDP Angel, pre-'99 14" Y .689 .689 Medium
Tippmann Model '98 8.5" N .691 N/A Medium
Tippmann Carbine 8.5", 14" N .691 .690 - .693 Medium
Tippmann Pro-lite/Pro-Am 10.5" N .691 N/A Medium
Tippmann SL-68II 11" N .691 N/A Medium
ICD Bushmaster 2000 12" N(a) (.689d) .692e .690 - .694 Medium to large
ICD Thundercat 10" N .689 .688 - .692 Medium
ICD Bobcat 8" N .691 N/A Medium
ICD Puma 10" N .691 N/A Medium
ICD Desert Fox, Pre-'98 10" N .691 N/A Medium
ICD Desert Fox, 98' on 10" N .689 .690 Medium
AGD .68 Automag 11" N .695 .691 - .693 Large
ADG Automag RT 11" N .695 .690 - .691 Medium
AGD Minimag 8" N .695 .692 Large
Kingman Spyder 9.5" N .691 N/A Medium
ProTeam Products Micromag 8", 10", 13", 16" N .689 .689 - .694*** Medium to Large
SmartParts Shocker 12", 14", 16" Y .685, .689, or .692 N/A Small, Medium, Large
Brass Eagle Rainmaker, pre '99 10.25" N .690 N/A Medium
Brass Eagle Rainmaker, '99 12" Y .691 N/A Medium
Brass Eagle Raptor, pre '99 9.5" N .692 N/A Medium to large
Brass Eagle Raptor, '99 12" Y .692 N/A Medium to large
Component Concepts Phantom 9", 11", 14" N(a) (.688d) .692e (.688b) .692 - .693 Medium to Large
Air Star Nova 11" N(a) (.687d) .692e N/A Medium to Large
Sheridan PGP, P-68AT, P-68SC   N .690 .684 - .688 Small
PMI Titan 8" N(a) (.710d) .687e (.715d) .685e** Small
A.N.S. '99 X-2 Autococker 12" N(a) .6865- .687- .6875 .687 - .689 Small
USA Viper standard, Pre-'99 10" N .6915 N/A Large to medium
USA Viper standard, '99 10" N .6935 N/A Large
USA Viper ceramic-teflon 12", 14", 16" N .691 N/A Medium
USA Viper nickel-teflon 12", 14" N .6895 N/A Medium
* Special order barrel
** Taken from Action Pursuit Games, Dec '98
*** Most likely due to difficulties measuring the polygonal rifled surface
"a"- Not a typical stepped-bore barrel (step section either grows slowly, or the step section is no longer than 3")
"b"- Available in stepped-bore format
"c"- Denotes the commonly found size
"d"- Denotes breech bore size
"e"- Denotes effective bore size
"f"- Custom lengths available

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Special thanks to Area 51 Paintball for giving us this Chart

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