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These bikes are among the six junk bikes we bought. The first one is what is now the frame of my dad's current bike. We got it started, and it ran good, but second gear was out of it. Then we started the one in the third picture and it ran really good, even though it looked the worst of the bunch. We used this motor (we think it has an 836 kit in it.) We used the rake triple tree of this bike also. We bought a CB750 Supersport (F) that had been used for a burnout bike at a dealership beer party, and was locked up because they had thrown the chain off and broke a hole in the case, but just kept runnin it. All it had that we could use was a set of 8" over forks.

These next pictures are pretty self-expalantory. This is how my dad's bike was put together.


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Pictures taken by Justin Henson/Sam Berry.