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I had made a CD in
Photoshop for some
wallpaper I had designed
for my desktop, and I
thought it came out pretty
well. I realized out of the
numerous tutorials I've seen
on line there weren't any on
how to make a CD. Least
none that I have seen, so I
decided to write a tutorial on
how I made mine. I tried to
recreate my original CD, with
 some improvement and took
notes as I made it . I basically
used selections and gradients
to make the CD. In this tutorial
I tried to explain it as best as I
could, in hopes of being able to
be understood. So just about
anyone could do this tutorial. 
Even My Sister...hehe ;)~
This by no means is the only
or the best way to make a CD
in Photoshop. It's the way I did
it and I thought I would share
my method. I hope you find this
tutorial useful.

Deadlee Designs

Step 1. Starting And Setting Up The New Document.

This tutorial basically just uses gradients and elliptical selections.
Start A New Document (ctrl + N)
Make the Width and Height 5in. X 5in.
Make 72 as the resolution,
Set the mode to RGB.
And check Transparent for the contents.
Set the rulers to inches (
Edit/Preferences/Rulers and Units)

Step 2. Base Layer

First off, rename Layer 0 to Base, by right clicking layer 0 in the layers palette.
Reset to the default colors of black and white, by pressing (D)
Switch the foreground and background colors so white is the foreground color, by pressing (X).
With the Elliptical Marquee Tool (M), anti alias checked, fixed size of 350px. X 350px, with no feather.
Fill the selection with white, by pressing
(alt + backspace)
Select All, by pressing (ctrl +A)
With the Move Tool as the current tool in use, align the selection to it's Horizontal and Vertical centers.

(click on thumbnails for larger view.)

These are the Tools and Key Board Short Cuts Used:

The Elliptical Marquee Tool (M)
The Move Tool (V)
The Gradient And Paint
Bucket Tool (G)
New Document (ctrl + N)
New Layer ( shift +ctrl + N)
Select All (ctrl + A)
To reset to default colors (D)

Switch between foreground
and background colors (X)
With a selection made press Backspace or Delete to Clear the selection.
To fill a selection with the 
foreground color press
(alt + backspace)
To fill a selection with the background color press
(ctrl + backspace)
To load a layers selection
(ctrl + click) on the layer in the layers palette.
To reapply a previously used filter
(ctrl + F)