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Here you will make the other 3 rings (or circles) that will make up the basic shape of the CD. Then you will make the cut outs that make the holes in the CD. Then you will make the noise layer that gives the CD it's texture, using the noise and radial blur filters.

Step 3. Large Middle Ring Step 4. Middle Ring Step 5. Small Ring
Make a new layer (shift + ctrl + N
or press on the layers palette.
Name this layer: Large Middle Ring
With the elliptical marquee tool (M), set to fixed size, anti alias checked, no feather, fixed size set to: 1. 85in X 1. 85in
Fill the selection with white (alt + backspace)
or use the paint bucket (G)
Select all (ctrl + A)
With the move tool selected (V
Align the selection to it's vertical and horizontal centers.
Make a new layer (shift + ctrl + N
or press on the layers palette.
Name this layer:
Middle Ring
With the elliptical marquee tool (M), set to fixed size, anti alias checked, no feather, fixed size set to: 1. 5 in.  X  1. 5 in.
Fill the selection with white (alt + backspace)
or use the paint bucket (G)
Select all (ctrl + A)
With the move tool selected (V
Align the selection to it's vertical and horizontal centers.
Make a new layer (shift + ctrl + N
or press on the layers palette.
Name this layer:
Small Ring
With the elliptical marquee tool (M), set to fixed size, anti alias checked, no feather, fixed size set to: . 65 in.  X  . 65 in.
Fill the selection with white (alt + backspace)
or use the paint bucket (G)
Select all (ctrl + A)
With the move tool selected (V
Align the selection to it's vertical and horizontal centers.

Step 6. Cut Outs

Make the base layer the active layer by clicking on it in the layers palette.
(ctrl + click) on large middle ring in the layers palette to load its selection.
Press back space or delete to clear the selection.
Deselect (ctrl + D)
Make the Large Middle Ring layer the active layer by clicking on it in the layers palette.
(ctrl + click) on the middle ring in the layers palette to load its selection.
Press back space or delete to clear the selection.
Deselect (ctrl + D)
Make the Middle Ring layer the active layer by clicking on it in the layers palette.
(ctrl + click) on the small ring layer in the layers palette to load its selection.
Press back space or delete to clear the selection.
Deselect (ctrl + D)

Step 7. Noise Layer

Make a new layer (shift + ctrl + N
or click on the eye in the layers palette.
Name this layer Noise. 
This layer will add texture to the CD.
(ctrl + click) on Base layer in the layers 
palette to load its selection.
Make sure the foreground color is still white.
Make the background color 50% gray(129,129,129 #818181)
fill the selection with white
Add noise (Filters/Noise/Add Noise)
Make it 400%, Gaussian, and with 
monochromatic checked.
Apply a Radial Blur (Filter/Blur/Radial Blur
at 100, blur method= spin, quality=best
Set the opacity of this layer to 50%
Move this layer just above the Base layer.