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In this part of the tutorial you will use selections and gradients to make the rainbow reflections, that CD's get when they reflect light. And you will use gray toned gradients to make the silvery color of the CD, and lower the opacity to let the rainbow reflection show through. For this part of the tutorial these are the gradients I used. I tell how to make them, or they can be down loaded here.
CD Gradients
(right click and choose save target as)

Step 8. 3 Rainbows The 3 Rainbows Gradient
Make a new layer (shift + ctrl + N) or press the in the layers palette. 
Make sure this layer is above the noise layer.
Name this layer: 3 Rainbows.
(ctrl + click) on base layer in the layers palette to load its selection.
With the angle gradient tool (G)
To the right is how to make this gradient or you can download the ones I made and used for this whole tutorial. 
3 Rainbows Gradient
Here is were the colors and color stops are located.
reds(255,0,0 Hex. # FF0000) located at 13, 47, and 80
oranges(255,128,0 Hex. # FF8000) located at 14, 48, and 82
yellows(255,255,0 Hex. #FFFF00) located at 16, 50, and 83
greens(0,213,0 Hex. #00D500) located at 18, 51, and 84
blues (0, 175,255 Hex. #00AFFF) located at 19, 53, and 86
purples(255,0,255 Hex. #FF00FF) located at 20, 54, and 87
where the Color Stops are located:
Opacity = 0 located at 9
Opacity = 100 located at 17
Opacity = 0 located at 26
Opacity = 0 located at 42
Opacity = 100 located at 50
Opacity = 0 located at 61
Opacity = 0 located at 74
Opacity = 100 located at 86
Opacity = 0 located at 92
This is  what the gradient should look like.
Drag the gradient from the middle
to the bottom of the selection.
Set the opacity for this layer to 20%

Step 9. Rainbow Left Step 10. Rainbow Right Step 11. Rainbow Up
Make a new layer (shift + ctrl + N) or press the in the layers palette.
Name this layer: Rainbow Left
Make sure this layer is above the 3 Rainbows Layer.
(ctrl + click) on the Base layer (to load it's selection)
Click on the gradient, for the gradient editor.

Load the Special Effects Gradients that came with Photoshop. Choose Russells Rainbow (should be the last 1)
With the Angle Gradient tool (G)
From the middle(2. 5in X 2. 5 in)
Holding ( shift) to keep in a straight line
drag to the left to the end of the selection.
Set the opacity for this layer to 15%
(The thumbnails below show the gradient editor and what this layer should look like at 100% Opacity.)
Make a new layer (shift + ctrl + N) or press the in the layers palette.
Name this layer: Rainbow Right

Make sure this layer is above the Rainbow Left Layer.
With the base layers selection still active
and again with the angle gradient (G), still set to Russells Rainbow (this time check reverse, to reverse the gradient.

Holding ( shift) to keep in a straight line
drag the gradient again from the middle to the right end of the selection.
Set the opacity for this layer to 15%
(The thumbnail below shows what this layer looks like at 100% Opacity.)
Make a new layer (shift + ctrl + N) or press the in the layers palette.
Name this layer: Rainbow Up

Make sure this layer is above the Rainbow Right Layer, and that the Base layers selection is still active.
Again with the Angle Gradient tool (G), set to Russells Rainbow again.
Holding shift to keep in a straight line drag the gradient from the middle to the upper left top corner.
Set the opacity fro this layer to 15%
(The thumbnail below shows what this layer looks like at 100% Opacity.)

Step 12. Base Gray Layer Step 13. Gray Light Gray Layer Step 14. Outer Ring
Make a new layer (shift + ctrl + N) or press the new layer button in the layers palette.
Name this new layer Base Gray, make sure it's above the Rainbow Up Layer.
With the Base layers selection still active, and with the angle gradient tool (G)
Again click on the gradient, to get to the gradient editor and load the Metals Gradients (if their not already loaded.) And choose Silver.
Drag the gradient from the middle down to the bottom of the base layer selection
Set the opacity of this layer to 50%
(The thumbnails below show the gradient editor and what this layer should look like at 100% Opacity.)
Make a new layer (shift + ctrl + N)
Name this new layer Gray Light Gray, make sure it's above the Base Gray Layer.
With the Base layers selection still active, and with the angle gradient tool (G)
make a new gradient or down load these:

Stripes2 Gradient
gray (165,165,165 Hex. #AFAFAF) located at 8
white (255,255,255 Hex. #FFFFFF) located at 25
gray (165,165,165 Hex. #AFAFAF) located at 45
white (255,255,255 Hex. #FFFFFF) located at 66
gray (165,165,165 Hex. #AFAFAF) located at 85
white (255,255,255 Hex. #FFFFFF) located at 100
Where the color stops are located:
Opacity = 0 located at 0
Opacity = 100 located at 8
Opacity = 0 located at 25
Opacity = 100 located at 45
Opacity = 0 located at 66
Opacity = 100 located at 85
Opacity = 0 located at 100
Drag the gradient from the middle to the bottom of the selection
Set the opacity of this layer  to 25%
Make a new layer (shift + ctrl + N)
Name this new layer  Outer Ring, make sure this layer is above the Gray Light Gary Layer.
With the Base layers selection still active, this time with the Radial Gradient Tool (G) , uncheck reverse.
Click on the gradient to enter the gradient editor
make a new gradient, or download the gradients to the left.
gray(175,175,175 Hex. #AFAFAF) at 100
gray(175,175,175 Hex. #AFAFAF) at 99
Where the color stops are located:
Opacity = 100 located at 100
Opacity = 0 located at 98
Drag from the middle to the right end of the selection
Deselect (ctrl + D)