"> Neopets Tips And Hints

Neopets Tips And Hints

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Put NEObeats into your shop!



Sometimes, you can't see the text because it is on the lava gouhl picture. I'm sorry, but i can't do anything about it,but if you can't see it,highlight it so you can!

Tip#1: Refreshing

When on Neopets, go to mystery island. Go to one of the shops and keep on refreshing. That can increase the result of something happenening.( The reason mystery island is because there are less monsters that will steal neopoints)You can also use this technieque 4 shops everywhere.


If you do not make enough money in your shop, try the following: 1. Lower the prices

2. Increase the shop size and put more items in it so that your shop will come up alot when people search with the shop wizard

3. Advertise you shop in the shop ads area and general chat area in the message boards area.

Tip#3: Shop description

Don't overload your shop with images! Just have a few, maybe a hit counter,a planet neopia bacground, and some planet neopia music if you like!

Tip#4:Space Map Pieces

You can earn space map pieces by playingThe Neopian Treasure Hunt and then sell the pieces for 1,500 np. That's what i do, and they sell out really fast!

Tip#5:Cheap food

Here is a list of food and their pictures that you can usally get for 25 np and under:(I really recommend these!)


Lemon Sprinkle Donut


Neowaiian Bread

Deli Turkey Slices

Breakfast Croissant



Holiday Slush(buy these when it isn't around Christmas!)



Tip#6:Grooming and Beauty products

Don't think these products are junk! You better start stocking up because soon you really be abl to use them on your pets! They aren't expensive at all, which is always a plus!

Email: Wigglytuff25@aol.com