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This is an interview W/ the lead singer of Callaghan, when you see them live remember that Tom drinks the champagne of beers. So with out further ado answers from a band that describes themselves as "Naked Raygun gangfucked by the Deadboys"

1. BB- Would anyone recognize you guys from other bands or projects?

Maybe. Jeff was in The Squad and Ken was in Bollweevils. Ogre was in Bloody Mess. Me and Gifford were in bands that were too obscure and ahead of our time.

2. BB- I know your from Chicago what was it like to play metro for the first time?

Fun. Kinda like prom, not as bigga deal after the fact. I also got hammered and laid.

3. BB- How and when did Callaghan come together?

Um, Me, Gifford and Mikey Dude (old guitarist) were at a party, listening to old punk rock and decided to make a band. Mikey kept saying, "dude we'll cover My Old Man's A Fatso" and shit like that. That was like '99. Then we added Ogre. Than we added Ken. Then we added Jeff.

4. BB- What's an average pressing for one of your releases?

Yes, our multilple releases... Quincy Shanks did 500 of the first 7" red vinyl, 7Dead did 1000 of the cd thingy, and Outsider did 1000 of American Fight Club.

5. BB- You play a ton of shows most of them are 21+ how does your audience break down agewise and is there a difference in the crowds?

You know it's weird. We play bars cuz they let us. And pay us. We'd like to play more all-ages. We do when we go out of town. Chicago is a weird city. I guess we're not in the all-ages clique. I like playing all-ages though cuz the kids all think I'm a drunken creep. At 21+ they can just kinda relate.

6. BB- Are you guys effected by the lack of All Ages venues in Chicago?

Yes! It's gonna suck when Fireside closes for me to see punk rock. As for playing it, we'll see.

7. BB- For those of us that don't know can you explain how Callaghan and Hudson Falcons hooked up?

They were on tour in '99 coming through DeKalb, and I knew the kid putting on the show so I told him to put us on the bill cuz I'd read really good reviews. We met and became fast friends. Since then, Mark has become the Padrino of our little Rock & Roll Cosa Nostra.

8. BB- Have you played outside of the Midwest or do you have plans to tour?

Yeah, we've been to the East Coast three times and are going down to Texas by way of Kansas and Oklahoma this August. We also love playing close Midwest weekends, yer Wisconsins yer Indianas.

9. BB- How'd you end up on American Fight Club and what do you think about the Authority! and The Trends?

Dave at Outsider was asking Mark about us so we sent our cd out to Long Beach and he liked it and asked for the 14 songs we had in the can, picked 7 and put 'em on AFC. He also put Sunday Morning from the old cd on the next Scene Killer Comp.

10. BB-If the band could only endorse one malt liquor which would it be?

Malt liquor is corporate chemical warfare on poor people. I drink High Life. Union made. Dependable. I always know what I'm getting.

11. BB- Who would you most like to see play Chicago and why?

I would like to spend the night on my couch getting fucked up with Shane MacGowan, listening to his acapella laments.

12. BB- What's the biggest show you've played to date?

Maybe this all-ages place in Kansas City, Gee Coffee. It's an old airplane hangar or something. Little fuckers were packed in there. Or maybe Double Door, St. Paddy's Day with The Beer Nuts.

13. BB- What are your plans for the next year?

Finally fix my car. Try to meet a nice girl. Save Money.

14. BB- If teenie boopers would like to book Callaghan for entertainment how can they get in contact with you?

Go to the web site! email us from the contact page, sign the book, or just email me

15. BB- Anything else you'd like to let your fans in on?

Yes, I'll probably see all three of you this weekend at the bar.

Thanks to Tom and all of his help.