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This interview was done in early March with Mike lead singer of Sacto Oi! heroes Pressure Point. Thanks to Jami from TKO for the help.

BB- What’s the deal with the new CD, it was supposed to be out in October of 2001, but is still pending release, why the long wait?

Mike- The CD is finally all recorded and mixed. I guess one could say we took our time, but really we had some problems and finished the recording in Atlanta. I got a crazy infection and nearly lost my voice on a tour with another band just before recording the record, so we had to finish it back in Atlanta to accommodate Mark Noah's schedule.

BB- You've said before that the younger guys in the band have given the older a much-needed kick in the ass, what you done for them?

Mike- I think Mike G. Kenny, and myself have hopefully helped the younger guys to realize more of the history of this kind of music and the struggle, particularly here in Sacto, that has taken place in order for it to be alive today. Other than that I am just a thorn in their side.

BB- Pressure Point has been through a few line up changes how do you think that effects the sound, etc.?

Mike- What has happened is that we went from having two predominant songwriters to four. Both of the Nates write songs and have been able to contribute to the total picture. Nate drummer has a completely different style than our past drummer and because of this it has opened up more avenues for us to explore musically. Our new record is consciously faster and more old school HC influenced. It is definitely the angriest record we have made to date.

BB- Lars Fredericksen produced your last three releases how did you guys hook up and what did how did his involvement affect your releases?

Mike- I first Met Lars years ago at a show. I was trying to quell a potential needless conflict between some of his friends and some of the younger kids in Sacto. Since then we have become friends and when Pressure Point started he had just finished producing the Swingin Utters' "Streets Of San Francisco" and The Business' "The Truth The Whole Truth And Nuthin But The Truth" and said he would do ours next. Having heard those records we of course were happy to have him aboard. Honestly I credit him with the survival of this band in the early years. His commitment and advice helped us sort through some things early on.

BB- I thought I saw you in one of the Lars videos and in another he sports a pressure point shirt. Has his support generated any interest from outside Oi! circles?

Mike- Yeah, me and many of the kids in the crew from Sacto were in a couple of those videos the Bastards did. Lars has supported us from day one in any way he could, and in turn we have become brothers. In terms of his support generating any other interest that's difficult to calculate. We basically have many of the same friends so its just more of a brotherhood thing. Lars hangs out at shows and with us just like anyone else.

BB- The new CD is/was produced by Mark Noah, why the switch and what does he bring to the table as a producer?

Mike- Lars was taking a hiatus from producing when we recorded the new record. So we asked Mark to do it. Mark of course has been the singer of perhaps the greatest American Oi band the Anti Heros for nearly two decades and brought all the experience that entails into the studio. Mark flew out to Sacto and worked with us for a week while we laid down the tracks. Mark definitely brings a work ethic into the studio. He is much more laid back than we are used to but pushes us and works really hard. More than anything he is as much of a cynical smart ass the rest of us so it worked out great. Lyrically speaking, Mark really encouraged me to open up and write about things in a much more honest and explicit way.

BB- What can we expect from the new CD?

The CD is entitled "To Be Continued..." It is much more angry and a bit faster in tempo and pace than our other releases. When we were writing the songs for the record it seemed that every other band we heard was trying so fucking hard to be the next Dropkicks or Oxymoron. Both are great bands but we saw a lack of understanding and originality in the new wave of street punk bands so I guess we just kinda wanted to show that there were other influences that helped to build our scene; Bands that us older guys grew up on Like Agnostic Front, Bad Brains, Bruisers, GBH etc. I think the songs on the new record reflect this reflection we all kinda went through. Lyrically like I said I tried to cover more of a variety of subjects in a pretty explicit and honest way.

BB- I know you're involved in the union which one and why is it so important to you?

Mike- Currently I am not in a union. Union presence seems to be far inferior on the West coast as it is on the East coast at least in the Northeast anyways. I am struggling to finish my education so the types of jobs that are open to me aren't usually union oriented

BB- If you were given the opportunity to provide a better life for you family by moving up to management would you?

Mike- Sure I would. I believe that the union vs. managerial relationship is adversarial and that seems to be the best relationship. I believe that from that type of circumstance compromise is best achieved. There needs to be opposition in all things. I view the situation as this: If the wheels of capitalism are left unfettered they will crush everything in their path because the only motive is purely profit. Unions exist to protect workers against this and in the end compromises can be met where both the workers rights are protected and profit can be achieved; its in the distribution of these rights and of the profit that in my opinion is in dire need of progress on behalf of the workers. So, yeah I would except a promotion but would not lose sight of my views on the equitable distribution of profit and rights.

BB- Last summer, you did to the best of my knowledge, your first national tour how were the turnouts, clubs, reactions , etc.?

Mike- Things were great! Different cities meant different turnouts because we weren't touring with any established bands. Much of the tour was scheduled with another band but due to some circumstances beyond our control the other band scrapped the tour so we hustled to book the thing at the last minute ourselves. Some cities that we really looked forward to playing were a bust but others like Buffalo, NY, Denver, CO, and Corpus Christi, TX were amazing. We were treated with respect everywhere we went and would not have been able to finish the tour without all the support and help we received along the way.

BB- In Chicago area the show wasn't promoted well, the bill was very strange and you got collared, what was the charge and what ever happened with that?

Mike- Hahaha!! You mean Homewood NOT Chicago! By far the worst show of the tour in some ways but great in others. The real fans that came to see US were great! We were having a great time and everyone was getting along fine until the cunt that ran the place pulled the plug. Some self-righteous mallbrat wearing a retro 70;s T-shirt that read "princess" probably purchased at a strip mall had definite issues with us. The feeling however was quite reciprocal. At any rate there were some beers being consumed and rather than asking us not to drink she just pulled the plug in the middle of our set. Some of our more loyal friends from the Chicago area took matters into their hands and attempted to right the injustice with our entire support but not our actions. So we attempted to carry our gear out the door into the lot and Princess flung herself across the doorway after having called Homewood's finest. So the boys in Blue show and handcuff me at her request with NO witnesses and took me to jail where they proceeded to treat me with the utmost respect and dignity! (note sarcasm) End of story we were escorted out of town after having retrieved two of our stolen guitars from the opening band. I skipped my court appearance so I guess regrettably I can’t ever go back to Homewood, Illinois.

BB- Some of your music samples lyrics from other songs, for example "never look back" takes a line from Combat 84's "rapist" is this intentional or just a coincidence?

Mike- Very intentional. The lyrics are about women in general who are victimized by perverts and pedophiles. In particular its about many of the women in my life who have had to survive such ordeals. The complete helplessness that I felt in trying to be there for these women led me to write that song. The line I borrowed from Combat 84 is more my sentiment than any of the women's; Most of them have proven to be amazingly resilient and become stronger in the long run.

BB- On the "Life's Blood" EP one of the best cuts is in Spanish what gave you the idea to do this and does it sound as good in English?

Mike-Living in California many of my best friends are Latino. The scene especially in LA is dominated by Latino presence and they always take such good care of us when we play down there. We have played in their barrios and regardless of the color of our skin they have treated us like brothers so we re-recorded "Strength Through Oi!" in Spanish for them. The message is the same everywhere and it was our way of letting them know we are grateful. Our brothers from Suburban Threat, Cesar and Oscar and their brother Mario did the vocals on that track for us.

BB- You've recorded a lot of covers, what covers are you playing now in your live set?

Mike- Right now we are playing quite a few covers including: "Power" Agnostic Front, "Attitude" Bad Brains, "New Age" Blitz, "Chaos" 4Skins, "Never Ad' Nuthin" Angelic Upstarts.

BB- Some people complain that your politics fall to far to the left and criticized you for opening up for the Angelic Upstarts, what do you think the place of politics in music is and what is your response to negative opinions?

Mike- Wow! I could spend all day answering this question, but I will spare you all that. I will simply say that Tyrannical politics whether from the right or the left is wrong and contrary to what this scene is all about. If people think that my politics fall too far to the left they don't have to buy our records or come see us play. I think there is a sometimes fine line that exists between apathy and being overtly political. I certainly do not believe that I fall into either category. As for playing with The Upstarts, it was a great show and they were a great band. I had no knowledge of them promoting any political agenda other than being stalwart anti racists. My opinion of the upstarts comes from years of listening to their records. Songs like "Guns For The Afghan Rebels" and The polish folk song "Solidarity" hardly espoused a hard-line communist stance. Furthermore they spoke nothing of politics at the show other than to comment on the plight of workers and denouncing fascism, both opinions that myself and the band share vehemently. I think that my lyrics in the song "Boots N' Booze" sum up my feelings perfectly: "You claim the same old name but you wear a different face full of dreams and hopeless schemes about your master race. The Reds out on the left always preaching at me, selling me their notions of a world community. So don't go pointing the finger, the finger of apathy just because my politics are where there supposed to be"

BB- Disney channels finest program "Even Stevens" is set in Sacto how do you feel about the show and its depiction of your city?

Mike- Dunno never watched the Disney Channel.

BB- Your website hasn't been updated in ages and the whiskey rebel have a small page on you, why the lack of a web presence?

Mike- We are hopelessly lazy and computer illiterate; except for Mike G. and he is to busy looking at porn. We found someone else to do a new web site but we owe him beer so don't hold your breath. BB- What do you guys enjoy doing outside of the band?

Mike G is a Ballerina. Kenny Keeps it real. Nate Hate sleeps and talks back. Nate drummer does nothing for more than five minutes except sleep. I spend most of my time apologizing to my bandmates for being an intolerable Asshole.

BB-Everyone owns a couple of CDs they don't want their friends to find out about, what are your keeping from them?

Mike- Hmmmmm. Lemme see here probably Sinead OConnors first two records, The Cranberries, The Pretenders and my vast collection of Stanley Jordan records.

BB- Punk is a youth cultures as you get older do you find yourself losing interest in going to shows, etc.?

Mike- Are you trying to tell me something here? Should I be reading between the lines? I have more interest now than I ever have had before.....maybe I'm not maturing at the rate your suggesting I should? Whatever the case I have more interest in the scene now than I ever have.

BB- Anything you'd like to add, a joke recipe, anything at all?

Mike- I am an intolerable Asshole with no sense of humor, so no I have nothing along those lines to add thank you.

PS Have a nice day!