Worlds of Contrast

Worlds of Contrast

Two worlds,
Yours and mine,
I hope one day they connect.

Walls, Labels, Boundaries, Limits,
Assign this to this,
‘Cause that’s how it is.

That’s just how it is.

If grandma said stay in school,
“yeah, whatever”
If Sisqo said stay in school,
“Hey, he’s got a point, hehe”

Equal sign, Equal signs,
All around us, Equal signs,
Except when it comes to equality.

Church=Good, okay,
Drugs=Bad, alright,
Teachers=Dorky, mm-hmm,
Being a social butterfly=well, isn’t that perfection?

Where’s the place to be?
It makes me feel good,
I’m safe, Others make me safe.

Do I Look Good?
Look, Look, Look!

Do I Look Social?
Do I Look Sensitive?
Yeah, I know I’m able, *arrogant sniff*

How do you see me?
It’s important; it’s all that matters.
It’s all that MATTERS!!


Bullshit, Hear me?
You get me so mad,
But I wish you wouldn’t
Haha, you teach me patience.

Don’t assign thought,
Free think—and love your life.

Church Good, Church Bad,
It’s not even a medium.
“=” Should be left alone,
Unless between one word.

You limit yourself,
So, you limit me,
So, you don’t feel so stupid.

Why is it right?
‘Cause it’s what you’ve always known?
You could be wrong,
Uh-huh, you could, you could.

Do what’s right,
What is “right”?
What do you think is “right”?

It’s up to you,
It’s all on you,
What does “right” say about you?

Is it right to be
Well, what is “perfect”?

Fake, Fake, Fake, Fake,
Unreality disguised as reality,
Even in your fucking head.