Fantasy Face 2

Fantasy Face 2

Complete surprise,
Not an open book,
My face that says “Wha?”,
The “I’m puzzled” look,
Reality crushed,
It never existed,
False memories,
That’s why I resisted,
Crumbled ‘magination,
Could I’ve been so blind?
All glorie’s gone,
-Been left behind,
Internal trouble,
That isn’t that bad,
My naive assumptions,
Well, ain’t that sad?

Complete surprise,
It’s one more bridge granted,
I’m not, like, in rehab,
So, why had I ranted?
Unchecked wandering,
Creates an image,
Custom built faces,
In my mind’s custom village,
Cracked third eye,
Or making it stronger,
So hard to say,
“Just wait a little longer”,
Since not it happened,
I’ve lived thru the shock,
Live not in fantasy,
Because, what a crock.