Social Butterfly

Social Butterfly

Social Butterfly,
Show me your wings,
Show me your hook-ups,
Your pipes and things,
Pretend you can come down,
To my puiny ways,
The way you once did,
In the good ol’ days,
Pause when you talk,
Work out your brow,
Or fake honesty,
The only way you know how,
A closed door that says “open”,
Is what you’ll find,
If you look in your,
Little closed mind,
Live by your rules,
That make you seem great,
But when you do,
You plant the seeds of hate,
You’d make such a big deal,
If you ever found out,
That I love Lucy,
And what she’s about,
Then you’d still have the problems,
You never see,
Like discrimination,
And hypocrisy,
If you want me to hear,
What you’re sayin’ talk loud,
So you can impress,
Your precious crowd,
You so need to be accepted,
By those who don’t care,
So you change all your clothes,
And how you wear your hair,
Keep me posted,
On what you think is gay,
‘Cause maybe you think,
You’re just the same way.