It's Been Too Long

It's Been Too Long

I forgot what a kiss sounded like,
How it makes your heart melt,
I forgot I want weight on me,
I wont feel so alone,

I forgot when two become one,
A touch more than just felt,
I forgot I can have a smile,
A happiness all my own,

I forgot skins so therapeutic,
When it’s loved just right,
I forgot I can run through her hair,
Like life between fingers,

I forgot I can feel control,
How I can own the night,
I forgot what fulfillment is,
A pleasure that pleases and lingers,

Keep the heart alive
But this feels like a disaster
Such a dry spell
A lull from what I’m after

Ever haunting me
It teases in my dreams
Keep my mouth shut
Already said how it seems

Quiet, I’m quiet
To keep from repeating
Cool myself down
To stop overheating

Here in this cloud
An out of reach silver lining
I’ll find her one day
And then I’ll stop whining